Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Beach Bums

Well, tomorrow will be a very busy day. We will be getting up early to drive to the coast. My mom got a great discount on a timeshare condo through her work, a well-known resort in central Oregon. Anyhow, she invited us to spend a few days there with her and my nephew. We will be quite busy taking walks on the beach, playing in the surf, and checking out all the shops. I am very excited because to my recollection, I don't think our kids have ever spent more than a day at a time at the beach. So this will be their first LONG trip. N (6 yrs) has memories of our last trip there, but K (4 yrs) doesn't even seem to truly understand what the beach even is. She's in for a treat!

We have to make two little detours before we can head out. First, we have to drop off our dog with some friends who will be doggysitting for us while we are gone. Then I have a job interview in McMinnville, which is thankfully on the way to Newport. It worked out well direction-wise. I am a little nervous, but will be quickly relieved to know that we will be right on our way directly following the interview. I hope I don't fret about knowing hubby and the kids are waiting around for me. Hubby said he might take them out for breakfast while they are killing time and will save me something. Anyhow, I am just happy to have an interview again. I've been applying like crazy to jobs and so if I am to get any calls at all, they will begin coming in over the next couple of weeks. What really gets me is that Beaverton has never called. I have a great work history with them and felt like they were my best shot at getting a job. However, the competition for jobs in that district are is very tough as it is one of the better districts to work for. Anyhow, I will keep crossing my fingers and plugging away.

Off to the beach we go!

Shelley, I am keeping you and your mom in my prayers!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Just passing through...

So it's Friday night and I tend to fall asleep early for whatever reason on this particular day. I think it has to do with my night owl habit during the rest of the week, so by Friday my body is wiped out and in need of a regeneration cycle (a little Borg humor there). Anyhow, I figured I better post now even though I already technically blogged in the wee hours earlier this morning (sorry Shelley...;P). All of my other posts lately have been averaging out to be done at around midnight'ish.

I am very proud of myself this week. Not only did I apply to some very promising jobs, but I got some real work done around the house. I suppose I should thank the ants that decided to host a family reunion in our kitchen yesterday. I went to bed and everything was fine. I woke up to find ants in every nook and cranny of the kitchen. For anyone who knows me well, knows that I become VERY neurotic and go to town on the cleaning. It was actually a blessing in disguise, because not only are the ants gone, but my kitchen is practically sparkling and much of the clutter is gone. I spent about 3 hours in there and still have more I want to do...such as rearrange the cupboards, mop, and whitewash the appliances. I also have miscellaneous drawer that I've been meaning to organize. The house is slowly taking shape as I tackle each area one at a time.

Today, the kids and I didn't spend much time at home. Since hubby was at work, I took the kids over to a friend's house so that they could have a playdate while us moms chatted it up. The children got nice and dirty, but they had loads of fun. Then I took them to the doctors for a well child checkup and catch up on their booster shots. That wasn't so much fun.

Then on my way home, this lady starts tailing me and blinking her lights at me. I am going 60 in a 55 as it is, so I feel like I'm going plenty fast. Considering it was rush hour on a busy highway and I was passing dozens of cars, I couldn't understand what her problem was. I assumed she wanted to go 80 or something. Though I planned on getting out of her way, I was also a little irritated by her tailgating, so I slowed down just a little to piss her off. Yeah I know, passive-aggressive move on my part, but she was riding my arse and she needed to back off a little. So anyway, I never get the chance to get over because she opts to change lanes soon after and just as a truck with a long camper trailor was merging. She decides she can squeeze past us both and almost causes an accident. She gets back over and is front of me now going...60mph. I give her plenty of space so I can avoid the hypocrisy she so clearly likes. Anyway, it was just so odd that she went through all of that hassle just so she could get behind another vehicle going...60 mph. Whatever floats her boat I guess. The road is scarier than those public access programs.

Public Access

I find that as I channel surf late into the evening, the pickings are slim. I also discover just how odd some of the programming becomes for the nocturnal crowd, a category I currently fall into. So tonight after my nightly Sex and the City fix, I briefly stop on the public access channel. Now this is usually the place where the strangest things air...think back to the SNL days of Wayne and Garth. Over the years, I have watched a number of trippy shows from some equally trippy locals. From the lady with the pink hair and silver alien suit to the hypnotic spirals (eerie special effects show)...the channel boasts some very original, albeit odd ducks.

Interestingly enough, there was one gal who hosted a show called Synergy. It was a really unique blend of Martha Stewart-style craft ideas and Zoom (from PBS). Anyhow, we affectionately referred to the gal who hosted the show as "freaky girl." This was because the show was just such a trip to watch and showcased some really unusual stuff. Hubby and I actually bonded over this show as we both got a kick out of it. Ironically, this gal ended up in my track in graduate school. She turned out to be exactly the same way in person, but better. She was amazingly sweet and really full of positive energy. Though I didn't get a chance to really know her well, I thought she was great.

So getting back to my original reason for posting. Tonight I caught the tail end of this other show that is hosted by an elderly gentleman with a shock of white hair and very bushy eyebrows. His voice is very scraggly and he tends to just ramble on about everything. Many episodes appear to focus on him staring into the camera and discussing whatever is on his mind, though he occasionally mixes it up. We affectionately refer to him as "freaky guy." As trippy as freaky girl's show could be, she's got nothing on this guy in the strange department. He is so kooky it's hilarious. One time I watched about 10 minutes of him discussing the view of his window. He even politely turned the camera angle so his viewing audience could see for themselves. Yes, I had to turn the channel to keep my sanity. Tonight gave new meaning to the word odd...the camera focused on his roll of toilet paper and how-to's involved in that topic. He discussed the appropriate way for TP to face and how best to dispense it. Wow. Wow. I was literally speechless for a couple of minutes. And then I typed this blog. Makes those days back when I used to fall asleep to QVC look just plain dull. I think I need to get some sleep. Gotta try to get back on a regular schedule and quit this night owl thing.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Coincidences, Cameras, & Costco

Okay, as I continue on my mission to watch Season 1 of Felicity, I keep finding strange coincidences that parallel my own life. For instance, after Ben and Felicity are robbed at gunpoint, they begin to bond over the trauma of the experience. Felicity reveals that a necklace, which was stolen in the robbery, was a family heirloom. Her grandmother gave to her mother at thirteen, who then handed it down to Felicity when she turned thirteen too. So here's the thing...my great-grandmother gave my grandmother a ring when she turned thirteen, who gave it to my mom, who then gave it to me...all at the age of thirteen. Then a year after I began wearing, it was stolen (though not at gunpoint, just from my locker). Made me very sad at the time. Anyway, just a really strange sense of dejavu. *twilight zone music is playing in my head right now*

What is really odd about the whole thing is that I don't remember them from when I originally watched the show. It's just very eerie, but solidifies this show as one that will stick with me for years to come. Shouldinteresting to see what other coincidences pop up as I make my way through the series. Gonna be a little time lapse though as I have to wait for the next volume to become available from the library.

And in yet another odd coincidence or maybe just a random act of the universe, I met a lovely woman today at the park. The kids and I had a little picnic at nearby park, not our usual one, and struck up a conversation with one of the other mothers there. As the kids played, we discussed how hard having lots of children can be and books we had read. I began chattering away like squirrel about Desert Wives, the polygamy murder mystery described in an earlier blog. I begin to rattle off all sorts of things I've learned about polygamy like a little kid who just learned how to read. As our conversation continues, this woman tells me, "oh yeah, I'm Morman by the way." I literally turn beat red and respond with the requisite, "open mouth insert foot." She laughed and took it all in stride and confessed she thought polygamy was way out there too.

Thankfully, I never actually said anything about Mormonism, let alone something derogatory. As we continued on, I learned that she knew a nearby girlfriend of mine that is also Mormon...small world. I kept babbling on and tried to save face by explaining that I had grown up with various friends that were Mormon and had even attended church with their families on occasion. I was rambling on about way too many things and finally K came to my rescue in the form of a potty accident. I felt very much like Chandler Bing...the way he acts in uncomfortable situations...not knowing how to just stop talking. The woman was wonderful and had such a great sense of humor. I of course was a blathering idiot, but she didn't seem to notice or care one way or another. She seemed happy just having another mom to chat with and said she hoped to see me around again. Good sign. Moral of this story is make sure you know who you are talking to before opening your mouth...or keep it closed so your foot stays out of it.

So completely different note, I've playing around with our digital camera a lot lately. I've also been taking portrait-style photographs of my kids and my friend's children. It's cheaper to do it and gives you more options to do it yourself. Though only about one out of every ten or so actually turn out the way I want it. I admit that I am a perfectionist when it comes to pictures. The pose, facial expression, clothing, and setting must all be just so for me to be happy with it. My mom and brother were always avid photographers, while I never paid much attention to cameras. Maybe I'm just a late bloomer, but I think I got a little bit of the photographer in my blood after all. My mom will proud to hear that. Anyhow, I finally got off my duff and ordered some photo prints from Costco. What a great thing that photo center is! So simple too! I just when online and ordered my picture enlargements, and picked them up the next day. Well, I noticed that the 8x10 cropped off part of my daughter's head in the photo. The gal behind the counter gave me tips on how to fix that, so I went home and fiddled around with it. She said bring it back and she'd just switch it out for no cost. I came home and reordered the 8x10 set and picked them up within just a few hours. Talk about fast service! The quality was pretty decent too. Maybe not high end studio quality, but good enough and much more within my budget. Now if I can only convince hubby to sit still for a couple and/or a family portrait.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Remembering Felicity

From 1998-2002, I was absolutely in love with the television show Felicity. It was one of those kind of shows that just really struck a cord with me on so many levels. Plus, it was on during a time of major change in my life and served as a great escape when I needed it. For those of you in the dark about this little gem, let me briefly enlighten you to the plotline. In a nutshell, a sheltered honors student leaves her future medical career at Stanford University to attend NYU...for a boy. Though she initially turns her life upside down for Ben, the handsome boy she crushed on throughout high school, she ultimately stays in New York and finds herself in the process. It really was a great coming-of-age drama. The ups and downs of Felicity Porter's life were reminiscent of my own early college days, so I could relate to the character very well. I had only graduated from college a couple of years prior, so many of the experiences were still vivid memories to me...but I digress.

Anyway, so while at the library today, I picked up some additional DVDs to watch. One of them was a Season 1 of Felicity. So I watched the first episode tonight and had forgotten just how much I loved it. Most people have that one show that just hooks them for whatever reason. Sex and the City, Friends, Mad About You, Family Ties, Little House on the Prairie, etc....these are all TV shows that I have loved for one reason or other over the years. I guess what I'm trying to say (however much I may be stumbling over my words) is that Felicity is another one of those touchstone shows for me.

Something else that ups the sentimental value of this show is that it was on during the time when I began dating my future hubby. He indulged me from time to time and watched it with me, probably because he knew how I much I loved it. Ironically, it was sort of felt like a soundtrack to our relationship at times. Surprisingly, after revisiting first episode I realized something very interesting. One of the songs played towards the end was "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. That is 'our song.' In fact, it was our wedding dance song...the first time we ever slow-danced together. This may sound like a stretch, but I am amazed by the foreshadowing there. I never noticed the coincidence of that song being in the first episode and then meeting hubby a couple of months later. Like most songs shared by couples, it became our song in such a natural way that we never even really thought about how. It was just always there and reminded us of each other. Oh, Lloyd Dobbler would be so proud.

Okay, I'm hooked again. That means I'm gonna have go borrow the rest of the series and get to the finale to see them Felicity and Ben wind up together. It's as addictive as waiting for Big and Carrie to finally reunite. Maybe I need to take up golf or something.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

At the core...

Well, this heat is really getting to me. I woke up feeling motivated to get of the house with the kids and everything. However, once we were out and about, I began to feel very irritable. I think maybe it was the combination of the heat and my two children bickering. One-on-one, my kids are awesome and well-behaved overall. Together, they can be a challenge. They just needle one another and then the whining kicks in. I get a very short fuse when this happens because I just can't handle all the arguing. It gives me a monster headache, so I end up sending them both to take naps just I can take a break from them. Does that make me sound bad? I love them dearly and adore spending time with them, but oh man can they be a handful at times. I just don't get how people retain their sanity with more kids. I've talked about wanting a third to round out our family, but then days like this remind me that I think we are round enough. For instance, I just finished reading a murder mystery called Desert Wives by Betty Webb. In a nutshell, a murder takes place in a remote, religious compound that practices polygamy. It is an intriguing look into the inner sanctum of plural wives and their husbands. I can't imagine how some of these women can take care of up to 15 children apiece! Granted, maybe it's easier when you have multiple women in the household to act as caregivers, but come on! I would lose it! Pretty good book and good 'ol fashioned mystery that keeps you guessing until the very end. After learning all about the dark side of polygamy, I'll stick with my one hubby and two kids. They are more than enough for me.

Speaking of books, I've been catching up on my summer reading and movie-watching. With most TV shows into rerun season or reality shows I just can't stomach (except for Big Brother...yeah I know), I have been borrowing films and books from the library to keep me occupied in the evening. The kids enjoy the outings and get to pick out books of their own and stuff. I've got a bunch of titles that I am working my way through as time allows. I finally sat down to watch The Core last night. I had wanted to see it forever, but just never had the chance. Anyhow, this movie didn't score well at the box office, but I found it to be pretty good actually. It puts a whole new spin on the "journey to the center of the earth" idea. Makes you really think about just how insane mankind has gotten when comes to caring for Mother Earth. Some people truly believe that we can do whatever we want with no consequences. Movies like The Core and Day After Tomorrow are great reminders of how nature can strike back. Yes, I realize these are extreme fictional accounts, but I don't believe they are too far off the mark with their messages.

Yep, it's another rambling day. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Add ons

Oops, already forgot two that I want to add...Tron and Field of Dreams. See? The list just goes on forever.

Math and Movies

I wanted to blog about my week, but then I realized it would be rather dull reading. After all, I spent countless hours checking email, job searching, and preparing application materials to mail out. I applied for 5 jobs yesterday alone. Lots of positive prospects on the horizon and I feel good about my chances on some of them. It's like the numbers game that Chris Gardner explains in his book, The Pursuit of Happyness. He states that,

X number of calls = X number of prospects = X number of commissions

...or something like that equation. Anyhow, I assume that,

X number of apps = X number of interviews = X number of jobs

...in other words, I think that for every 10-15 jobs I apply to, I will be lucky to get 1 interview out of them. When I first applied to a local school district for instructional assistant positions three years ago, I saturated them with apps. Out of some 30, I got 3 interviews...which translates to a 10:1 ratio I think. Okay, enough with the math lesson. I guess you really do use some form of Algebra later in life. I spent part of this past Monday subbing at a high school in a learning lab. They had me help out students in an Algebra class. Imagine this: Me helping students figure out how to solve quadratic formula equations! Yeah, I had a good laugh at my expense too. Though I did pretty well with helping the students who had writing questions. My brain was in a lot of pain by the end of the day though. High school is just not my thing, elementary is much more my speed. Doesn't bode well for my intellectual prowess in this blog, but I feel everyone has a comfort zone for what they can and can't do. Math is my biggest weakness, whereas the written word is my strength. Wow, look at that! I blogged about my week after all. I will leave it to you to decide whether or not it was dull.

On a completely different subject, I was jabbering with my best bud last night about favorite movies. I always say certain films are in my top 5, 10, or whatever. It occurred to me that I often add new movies, but never stop and think about which ones are literally my favorites. So here goes a rough list of those faves off the top of my head. My basic criteria is simple...it has to be something that affects me in some way (laughing, crying, etc.) and be a movie I don't mind watching over and over. So amazing movies like Schlinder's List or Life is Beautiful, while good, just not one I can stomach over and over. The quality varies, but that's okay cuz it's my personal list. Chances are I will review this later and so I reserve the right to change my mind in future blogs...=) Without further ado, here is my top 21...(for today at least)
  1. Terms of Endearment

  2. Steel Magnolias

  3. Memoirs of a Geisha

  4. Fools Rush In

  5. Sweet Home Alabama

  6. Lord of the Rings (trilogy)

  7. Serendipity

  8. Mystic Pizza

  9. Rudy

  10. The Shawshank Redemption

  11. Contact

  12. Coal Miner's Daughter

  13. The Parent Trap

  14. Sound of Music

  15. Mr. Holland's Opus

  16. Tremors

  17. 8 Seconds

  18. Some Kind of Wonderful

  19. The Wedding Singer

  20. Titanic

  21. Thelma & Louise

  22. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

  23. Dangerous Minds

  24. The Electric Horseman

  25. Little Women
Honorable Mentions: Dances With Wolves, The Notebook, Cocktail, The Firm, The Pelican Brief

Yep, I already can think of others I'd like to add or change. However, it is time to go eat brunch with the family, so I gotta scoot. Enjoy my ramblings in the meantime. Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

No place like home

I just spent the last two days doing a very unique babysitting job for a single dad who was raising his son by himself. It was actually a very touching situation. This little boy was so sweet, but also very independent and almost lonely. At one point, we got to talking about airplanes and he told me he had flown on one to go see his mom way out in Michigan. I could see how much he clearly missed her. He fell asleep on the couch both nights, so I carried him to his bed and tucked him in, which he seemed to like. He latched onto me and it felt good to fill that void for him, even if only for a couple of nights. His dad seems like he's trying to give him all that he can, but it's hard to be both mom and dad. It made me appreciate what I have at home all the more.

Speaking of home...something else that made me sit up and take notice was the decor of the condo this pair lived in. Nestled in the hills of a fairly affluent community, it was very tastefully decorated. However, it did have a very masculine touch and was definitely a minimalist's dream. I don't know if being female has anything to do with it, but I like to have "things." Yes, I will confess to being a material girl...to a certain extent. I've been paying very close attention to the interior design of others' homes and taking mental notes. I love attending the annual Street of Dreams every summer. It's a great way to get decorating ideas. If there is one thing I have taken to heart and am attempting to work into is the idea of "less is more." I have always been such a clutterbug, so it is a hard habit to break. So I've been tackling one small area in the house at a time, otherwise the tasks would overwhelm me. It's a great new project that I can do whenever I'm in the mood and is fun to think about how I could redo each area into something better. Maybe by next year, our townhome will have received the needed facelift. In the meantime, I will enjoy picking away at each little project and window shopping for new decor.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Alright, since I already spent a blog or two in the past hyping up the movie version of The Pursuit of Happyness, I wanted to devote one to the book. I just finished it this morning on my weekly commute via MAX train to a Sunday school that I work out and thouroughly enjoyed every page. If you enjoyed the film even just a little bit, you'll want to pick up the novel. This autobiographical tale of Chris Gardner's journey through life is very poignant and is the classic chasing of the American dream at its best. I won't give away specifics so as not to spoil it, but I will say that the book goes into richer detail and reveals far more than the movie ever could. Hollywood took a little dramatic license with his story and changed a few plot points for whatever reason, but did stay to true overall to the essence of Chris Gardner's struggle from homelessness to Wall Street tycoon. What I found to be an interesting twist, was that the movie, starring Will Smith, only portrays this one portion of Gardner's life. Will Smith did an outstanding job of breathing life into the movie and is among his best ever film roles, but to fully comprehend how far Gardner actually came you'll have to read the book. Two thumbs up and a plug for both the movie and the novel.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Down, but definitely not out

Another job opportunity has come and gone. Go figure. Guess the whole dolphin mascot coincidence didn't do much good after all. I am coming to the point that I just shrug it off. It still stings, but I just don't know what else I can do. I've taken steps to correct some things that I felt might've been holding me back, so we'll see what comes of that. In the meantime, I am just keeping several options open. Whenever one of us gets too stressed (hubby or I), we try to remind each other that the tide will turn eventually and for the better (we hope). Anyway, I just keep plugging away at this job hunting thing and keep on keepin on...as they say.

On a much brighter note, I am really looking forward to some travel opportunities this summer. First, there is my trip to Houston in July to see my good buddy, Shelley. She said we could go to Nasa, which I am really psyched about. The whole trip will feel like a real vacation, something I really need after two intense years of juggling family, work, and graduate school. That is giving me something to cling to on the downer days. We are also invited to the coast to stay with my family who has rented a beachfront condo for the week. My mom works for a resort that occasionally gives employees major discounts on their affiliate resorts. That should be great fun for the kids to get away for a few days too. They love the beach, so that will be their big time vacation for the summer. I am a picture freak, so will be taking lots of photos. We want to get them out to Multnomah Falls for a daytrip sometime soon too since they've never seen it. Anyhow, that's all for now. I'm hitting the sack cuz I gotta get up early for work in the morning.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Alright, I must add my two cents to this whole Paris Hilton debacle. She claims that she wants to be treated like everyone else to clear up misconceptions people have about her. Uh, what the f*ck?! Who serves 3 days of a 23 day sentence only to be sent home for "medical reasons?" It's insane is what it is. Nobody gets special treatment like that. Not even Martha Stewart had that kind of clout. She maintained her innocence all the way through her ordeal, but she still served everyday of her sentence with her head held high. Even Li'l Kim did her time. What is up with Paris? She is such a hypocrite and will likely learn the hard way that her so-called fans will be treating her like a pariah if she tries to get out of this. I just can't stand it when money earns you extra special privileges that the rest of us joe schmoes don't get.

Something struck me as very ironic during the MTV Movie Awards that she attended just before she turned herself in. I saw clips of the host, Sarah Silverman, cracking jokes about Paris' impending jailbird days. The camera cuts to Paris and she is clearly not amused, but keeps her composure in the face of all the ridicule (think back to the sex tape scandal when she went into hiding). Then I caught an episode of The Simple Life 5 recently. As usual, the Paris and Nicole spend their time creating trouble and making fun of the people who want their 15 minutes of fame on their reality show. It makes you kinda feel sorry for the people they ridicule for TV ratings, but it's interesting how karma bites you back in the ass. Paybacks are a bitch for these young ladies facing all this ridicule and jail stuff. Many of the young starlets are either in rehab or getting arrested at long last. Hopefully, they will put on a little weight so they will get back over 100lbs and be sober for a change. I cringe to think of my daughter growing up idolizing girls like this. Thank goodness she is too young still to do so.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Fool me twice

There is that 'ol adage saying..."Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Anyhow, this saying is so fitting for me mood right now. I'm not depressed per se, but feeling silly for putting so much faith into something. Awhile back I was interviewed for a fourth grade jobshare position at a nearby elementary school. Unfortunately, I didn't get it. However, the principal called to tell me and assured me that I was their second choice and it simply came down to the fact that the person they hired just had more experience. I was a little let down, but realized that was how this game was played. It was only my second interview so far, so I figured there was still hope. The silver lining in this phone call was that he informed me to keep an eye out for a third grade position that would be coming available soon. That gave me even more hope.

So a couple of weeks pass by and I keep checking the district website and no sign. I check on a Sunday night and still nothing. Well, Monday comes along and I get another phone call from the principal of the same elementary school. He personally invited me to come back for another interview for the third grade slot. So I go through the process all over again. This time I was more relaxed as there were familiar faces in the meeting. I felt good about things and crossed my fingers. While I waited for word on this latest opportunity, I ended up going in for an interview with a different elementary school. I felt really positive about that interview and felt it was my strongest performance thus far.

So I went into today feeling really happy that I had two job possibilities on the table and again held out hope. Then the phone rang tonight and somehow I knew it was that principal. He had called me last time around 7pm the last time to tell me the news, so I wasn't surprised to hear from him. Sadly, I had a sinking feeling from the getgo what the verdict would be. It was just the same song and dance as before. He apologized and seemed to feel genuinely bad to have to tell me same bad news a second time. Sadly, it was for the same reason...they went with someone with more experience. He kept trying to tell me how strong a candidate I was and toe keep checking the website for openings. My ego balloon pretty much deflated at that point, but I appreciated his efforts to pump me back up. Anyhow, I'm not nearly as torn up at this loss as I was the last time. I feel more foolish than anything else. I guess I had thought too much of the fact that he had taken the time to ask me back and then well...fool me twice as the title states. It is getting easier each time, but I would really like something to pan out soon.

There has been a strange pattern developing after each of the interviews I've had so far. Each of the first three interviews have taken place on a Thursday. Each time I have been rejected on the following Tuesday. The most recent inteview took place on a Monday and the school mascot is the dolphin...my favorite animal! Maybe those are two good omens. The school had a lot of charm and the staff seemed very nice. Knock on wood, but I have a good feeling about this last one. Just don't wanna put all my eggs in that basket, so I keep trying for other things just in case. Despite everything, I refuse to give up on the notion that the right job is out there waiting. It's just a matter of time. As they say, gotta keep hope alive!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Just ducky!

It always feels good to get away, even if only for a little while. The kids and I piled into the car and drove to Bend for the weekend to see family. It took me half the morning to pack and prepare, so we didn't get going until about noon. I had planned on stopping in some places along the way, but ended up just drivng straight through (except for potty breaks and to fill up the car) to make in time for dinner. Hubby wasn't up for the trip, so he stayed behind and hung out with some close friends of ours. He said he spend most of Saturday there. On Friday night, my folks treated us to dinner out at Ranchero's Mexican Restaurant. It was very, very good food. I'm always up for chips 'n salsa though...:) It was all so filling that I couldn't even finish my enchilada and tamale combo meal. Okay, enough about food.

On Saturday morning, my mom and I ran some errands and had McDonald's for lunch. It was fun spending time with just her. Later in the afternoon, mom, K, and I went to a baby shower while N hung out with Grandpa and Tyler. They went to go feed the ducks at a local park. At the baby shower, we spend the majority of the time watching my cousin open her giffies...all one million of them. It was the biggest haul of presents I have ever seen at any shower I've ever been to. It was amazing and my cousin Val was completely overwhelmed. Part of the reason it took so long was because my cousin (bless her heart) opens wrapping paper with meticulous attention to detail...being careful not to tear it. The ironic thing is I don't think she even keeps the wrapping paper afterwards. It's kinda cute actually, my mother does the same thing and we tease them both every Christmas and birthday.

It was fun until the very end when K wandered off. She had been by my side while I was saying goodbye to some people. Next thing I knew, she had gone outside and had all of us looking frantically for her. There was a pond nearby that made all of us nervous. I had initially thought it was like a litle wading pond, not a miniature lake! Luckily, Val's grandfather spotted K playing balance beam on a side wall in a place I hadn't thought to check. Ooooh did I give her a reality check. I got in her face and told her how scared everyone was and that we didn't know where she was. She said she was sorry and proceeded to give me a big hug. After the horrible incident last fall with Nicky missing after school, my heart did major flip flops. It was a good reality check for me in that it takes only a second for something to happen. It's so easy to let down your guard, but you can't ever with kids.

We ended the day with a little BBQ b-day party for K. Her b-day is Wednesday, but we thought it would be fun to celebrate with family while we were in town. I can't believe my baby girl is gonna be four years old! We ate cupcakes for dessert and she opened a few presents. That's the great thing about K, it takes so little to please her. She gets excited about just about anything. I had found a cute little rubber ducky that had a soccer ball theme to it. She loves all the funky little rubber ducks out there and this one was no exception. After we were done for the evening, I wanted to spend a some quality time with my nephew/little brother, Tyler. So we went to see a movie that night, Knocked Up. We originally talked about seeing Pirates 3, but I knew Hubby would blow a head gasket if I dared to see it without him. He has been dying to see it. So we chose the comedy instead and were in hysterics the whole time. That was a freakin' hilarious movie! Tyler and I laughed so hard, we were both in tears.

The next day, I opted to leave around 11:30 in the morning to get an early start back. However, once we were on our way the kids asked to go feed the ducks. Since K hadn't had a chance to do it like N, I found a local market to get a loaf of bread. We spent about an hour or so walking the trail and feeding different ducks. There was a swan that seemed to intimidate all ducks, keeping them at bay. I also managed to get the kids to pose for a some pictures. I love the backdrop of Mirror Pond (it's more like a river though) and all of the willow trees that droop over. It's really a fabulous park. I should know, I grew up going there myself. Anyhow, it was a really great weekend for the kids and I. We got back just in time for dinner. Hubby BBQ'd some delicious porkchops for us and was exceptionally sweet. All in all, I had an awesome weekend.