Saturday, February 16, 2008

Catching up

Alrighty, so I've been too lazy to blog lately. I'll admit to that. At school, the students were going through state testing and I've been dealing with a myriad of things such as fundraisers, job hunting, and the regular pile of stress that comes with a typical day of teaching 6th graders. Report cards are due in just a few weeks, so I have that to look forward to on the horizon. What I am pleased as punch about this term is that I have been so much calmer this time around. Last fall, everything was simply overwhelming and I lacked the confidence I needed. I think I've conquered that problem for the most part and feel so much more at ease. During one of our recent fundraisers, my students helped run the concession stands for a family night sock hop. Imagine the amount of work that went into that whole process. Even though my teaching partner and I worked from 7:30am-8:30pm, we had a blast being able to hang out with our students in a more relaxed setting and be playful. I even did the twist with several of them. They got such a kick out of that.

On another note, hubby and I weren't able to go out for Valentine's day, but we arranged to go out the following night (Friday). We opted to go to Macaroni Grill. In addition to their delicious bread, I had their fabulous fettucini alfredo with chicken. Hubby had a portabello muchroom chicken dish. Afterwards, we walked around the outdoor mall nearby and splurged on some gelotto for dessert. Yummy! We have been making a concerted effort to go out at least once a month as we tend to neglect that part of our relationship. I guess that happens to a lot of couples once you add family responsibilities. We've learned the hard way not to let that happen again. It was a wonderful date. The next one will hopefully be at a movie as it's been ages since we've been to one together. I think it's been about a year.

All in all, it's been a pretty nice February. I am grateful that things have been going well at work for the most part. Since the school is closing and there are extenuating circumstances, there is a negative energy throughout the school that is understandable for the most part. Though I have fallen victim to this dark cloud myself at times, I am learning to find balance. For part of our recent China unit in Social Studies, I invited a guest speaker from the Portland Classical Chinese Garden to give a special presentation to our students in honor of the Chinese New Year. One of the things she shares is the special significance of bamboo in Chinese gardening and art. She explains that bamboo often bends, but doesn't break easily. I've literally taken that to heart. Now my mantra has become "Bend like bamboo..." It is a pearl of wisdom that has begun to help on those not so sunny days. I am excited for some of the personal and professional changes on the horizon, but also anxious at the same time. I'll do my best to blog as things happen. There is so much that I just don't have time to include here, but I'm trying. Maybe next time, I will include some recent photos of the kids and do an update on them...:)

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