Sunday, April 26, 2009

DH Turns 36...

I figure I better post something as it might be another week before I get inspired to write again. The school year is quickly winding down and I am facing the same problem I deal with every term: grading. I never seem to quite catch up. I was closing in on the bottom of the pile when I decided to add more assignments. You would think I'd have learned better by now. Guess not.
Anyhoo, I hope to wittle it down within the next two weeks. The kids begin a monthlong karate class through the local parks and rec, so I figure maybe I'll get some down time during their class to grade some papers (a tip from a fellow teacher). Knowing me though, I'll get sucked into watching the kids practice and forget all about grading...but I digress from my original blog topic.

I spent a good part of the week trying to find the right gift for DH. He wasn't too jazzed about his birthday this year, so I wanted his present to make him happy. I settled on some new shirts that I thought he would love. We went out for an early birthday dinner for DH to Outback Steakhouse on Friday night. One really good thing that came out of it was it gave us a chance to discuss, sans eager ears, our Disneyland plans for next year. It also doubled as a date night for us, so we left the kids with the babysitter. This is a vacation we've been wanting to take ever since our son was born 8 years ago. It has been a matter of the kids being old enough to have memories and having the money to take the trip. Then on Saturday, we spent with good friends and celebrated his actual birthday eating good BBQ and a german chocolate cake (not my personal fave, but DH loves it).

Today (Sunday) was spent lazing abound the house, though I did manage to get lots of laundry done, even if I neglected other chores. Around 4:30, I needed to get out of the house for a bit and absorb some sunshine, so the kids and I took our dog for a walk around the neighborhood. They also talked me into going to the park for a little while.


Kristin said...

Sounds like a nice day together. Cool about Disney!

Kristin said...

Hey, I just wanted to thank you for stopping by and the comments. I replied on the blog (on the gay marriage thing.) Take care!