Saturday, June 20, 2009

Comings and Goings

Back from trip with my BFF to Las Vegas (pics and recap to come another day) and summertime around here has officially begun. The kids both finished their last day of school this past week. I find it tough to come home from a vacation and get back into the everday groove of life. I have been dragging a lot and the weather has reflected that mood with rain for the past few days. My car keys and digital camera cord (that uploads the pics to the computer) have gone missing (again!), so that hasn't helped. I try to put them in a safe place, but guess I forgot to this time. It's like that sporadic sock pair that goes into the wash together, but comes out a singleton. Go figure.

Though we are done with the scholastic side of life for a couple of months, next week swimming lessons begin. I prefer to sign the kids up for the the 5 week course (2 days a week) as opposed to the 2 week (everday) as it lasts longer and gives them something fun to do outside of the house. Come late July, they'll both take an art class. I absolutely love this time of year, not just because I get to be a SAHM, but because the kids and I make lots of memories together. They are still at that age where doing the most mundane things still get them excited, such as picking berries or watching the doughnut machine at Krispy Kreme.

We are planning to visit my family for Fourth of July weekend, so that should be good times. Though we see my family at least a few times each year, this will be the first time since K was first born that we've spent the 4th in Bend. On a side note, my mom called me this week to yell at me for getting her hooked on Jodi Picoult (i.e. My Sister's Keeper). She can't say I didn't warn her! *kiss kiss*. Love ya Mom!

I also am getting excited for our big camping trip in August. DH isn't really a woodsy kind of guy, so it has been no easy task getting him motivated for this one. We are tentatively planning a trip with some close friends and all the kids. We went last year and the kiddos had such a blast together. We finally bought a 2 room tent and an air mattress for the kids. We still need lots of supplies, but the tent was the big one that we really needed. Last year, I had to borrow from my folks and MIL. It's nice to finally have many of our own camping supplies.

I thought DH was going to surprise his friend by treating him to a movie this afternoon, so I went shopping with the kids and got a pedicure. After walking all week in Vegas, the wear and tear were evident. The place I go is awesome and VERY affordable. K gets her nails done in wild colors too, though not the full manicure, just filed and painted for fun. She's into this whole hamburger cole theme. Yellow=mustard, green=pickles, red=ketchup. Not sure what her current blue and hot pink combo are supposed to represent, but she loves it anyway...but I digress. DH's plans fell through, so we went home to pick up him up. We got some groceries and at hot dogs at Costco for dinner.

Now DH is enjoying his father's day weekend a bit early by watching Bloodsport, so not my thing. I figured I was way behind on this blog, so here my ramblings for the day. A hot bath and book sound good right about now.


Lawfrog said...

Loving the background and a pedicure is an AWESOME idea. I need to do that myself, will look around for affordable place around here to have that done.

Hope the keys turn up soon. So frustrating to lose them. Go take that hot bath and read, it always relaxes me to do so.

Kristin said...

It sounds like plans for a very fun summer! I can't believe it is almost JULY already! SHEESH! It's finally supposed to warm up in NH, so I hope we can plan a few camping trips soon.