Thursday, June 07, 2007


Alright, I must add my two cents to this whole Paris Hilton debacle. She claims that she wants to be treated like everyone else to clear up misconceptions people have about her. Uh, what the f*ck?! Who serves 3 days of a 23 day sentence only to be sent home for "medical reasons?" It's insane is what it is. Nobody gets special treatment like that. Not even Martha Stewart had that kind of clout. She maintained her innocence all the way through her ordeal, but she still served everyday of her sentence with her head held high. Even Li'l Kim did her time. What is up with Paris? She is such a hypocrite and will likely learn the hard way that her so-called fans will be treating her like a pariah if she tries to get out of this. I just can't stand it when money earns you extra special privileges that the rest of us joe schmoes don't get.

Something struck me as very ironic during the MTV Movie Awards that she attended just before she turned herself in. I saw clips of the host, Sarah Silverman, cracking jokes about Paris' impending jailbird days. The camera cuts to Paris and she is clearly not amused, but keeps her composure in the face of all the ridicule (think back to the sex tape scandal when she went into hiding). Then I caught an episode of The Simple Life 5 recently. As usual, the Paris and Nicole spend their time creating trouble and making fun of the people who want their 15 minutes of fame on their reality show. It makes you kinda feel sorry for the people they ridicule for TV ratings, but it's interesting how karma bites you back in the ass. Paybacks are a bitch for these young ladies facing all this ridicule and jail stuff. Many of the young starlets are either in rehab or getting arrested at long last. Hopefully, they will put on a little weight so they will get back over 100lbs and be sober for a change. I cringe to think of my daughter growing up idolizing girls like this. Thank goodness she is too young still to do so.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

I'm so with you on this. These girls are sick and need some serious help, both mentally and otherwise. They have no idea what real life is about.

I'd love to see them stripped of all their money and having to pound the pavement or troll craigslist for a job like the rest of us.