Saturday, June 16, 2007

Math and Movies

I wanted to blog about my week, but then I realized it would be rather dull reading. After all, I spent countless hours checking email, job searching, and preparing application materials to mail out. I applied for 5 jobs yesterday alone. Lots of positive prospects on the horizon and I feel good about my chances on some of them. It's like the numbers game that Chris Gardner explains in his book, The Pursuit of Happyness. He states that,

X number of calls = X number of prospects = X number of commissions

...or something like that equation. Anyhow, I assume that,

X number of apps = X number of interviews = X number of jobs other words, I think that for every 10-15 jobs I apply to, I will be lucky to get 1 interview out of them. When I first applied to a local school district for instructional assistant positions three years ago, I saturated them with apps. Out of some 30, I got 3 interviews...which translates to a 10:1 ratio I think. Okay, enough with the math lesson. I guess you really do use some form of Algebra later in life. I spent part of this past Monday subbing at a high school in a learning lab. They had me help out students in an Algebra class. Imagine this: Me helping students figure out how to solve quadratic formula equations! Yeah, I had a good laugh at my expense too. Though I did pretty well with helping the students who had writing questions. My brain was in a lot of pain by the end of the day though. High school is just not my thing, elementary is much more my speed. Doesn't bode well for my intellectual prowess in this blog, but I feel everyone has a comfort zone for what they can and can't do. Math is my biggest weakness, whereas the written word is my strength. Wow, look at that! I blogged about my week after all. I will leave it to you to decide whether or not it was dull.

On a completely different subject, I was jabbering with my best bud last night about favorite movies. I always say certain films are in my top 5, 10, or whatever. It occurred to me that I often add new movies, but never stop and think about which ones are literally my favorites. So here goes a rough list of those faves off the top of my head. My basic criteria is has to be something that affects me in some way (laughing, crying, etc.) and be a movie I don't mind watching over and over. So amazing movies like Schlinder's List or Life is Beautiful, while good, just not one I can stomach over and over. The quality varies, but that's okay cuz it's my personal list. Chances are I will review this later and so I reserve the right to change my mind in future blogs...=) Without further ado, here is my top 21...(for today at least)
  1. Terms of Endearment

  2. Steel Magnolias

  3. Memoirs of a Geisha

  4. Fools Rush In

  5. Sweet Home Alabama

  6. Lord of the Rings (trilogy)

  7. Serendipity

  8. Mystic Pizza

  9. Rudy

  10. The Shawshank Redemption

  11. Contact

  12. Coal Miner's Daughter

  13. The Parent Trap

  14. Sound of Music

  15. Mr. Holland's Opus

  16. Tremors

  17. 8 Seconds

  18. Some Kind of Wonderful

  19. The Wedding Singer

  20. Titanic

  21. Thelma & Louise

  22. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

  23. Dangerous Minds

  24. The Electric Horseman

  25. Little Women
Honorable Mentions: Dances With Wolves, The Notebook, Cocktail, The Firm, The Pelican Brief

Yep, I already can think of others I'd like to add or change. However, it is time to go eat brunch with the family, so I gotta scoot. Enjoy my ramblings in the meantime. Have a great day!

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