Tuesday, October 07, 2008

8 is more than enough

Over the last week, N has had a wonderful birthday. He didn't just get to celebrate it once, he got to enjoy little activities throughout the week. On the Saturday before his birthday, his Grandma Jeanne and I took N and K to Borders, where they were hosting a children's literacy event. Since his Auntie Shelley sent him a gift card for $25, we thought it would be great chance for him to use it. The event wasn't quite as festive as they had made it out to be, but it was still fun. He got to color and join in a candy walk. Mostly he looked at books he wanted to buy. I am so glad that both of my kids inherited a love for reading and can spend hours in the library and book store. My mom tells me to this day that while they couldn't always give me all the toys I wanted, they never denied me a new book. Trips to Waldenbooks was a favorite treat as a child...but I digress.

On Sunday morning, hubby woke up early to make blueberry pancakes and sausage for his birthday breakfast. He always does that for all of us on our birthdays and puts a candle to blow out. We had a lazy day and let the kids watch a movie of his choice. On Monday (his actual birthday), he had to go to school. It was also picture day, so he was dressed up. Later that afternoon, I left work a little early to come home. N showed me another whole in his grin and the case that held his most recent lost tooth. To top off his day, we had a yummy dinner of his choice and let him open up a gift sent by his Grandpa Gordon. Grandpa G sent him two Star Wars Transformer toys that he loved. I let N choose a couple of books that I read aloud at bedtime and we sang some songs (it had been awhile). N went to bed saying he'd had a great day in which he got his picture taken, lost a tooth, and got cool toys. In his mind, it was a grand time.

When the next Saturday finally arrived, I went into a cleaning frenzy to get the house in order for his birthday party. We weren't hosting anything major, but still wanted it to look nice for everyone (house needed it anyway). Some close friends and Grandma Jeanne came over. We enjoyed some good snacky foods and tacos for dinner. I had baked a cake with the help of K the night before. N had selected a devil chocolate with chocolate frosting mix. We sang happy birthday and he opened all of his giffies (not necessarily in that order). Grandma Jeanne left early and the rest of us enjoyed hanging out. We put on a tape of Jon and Kate Plus 8 as all the kids LOVE that show (as do Rosie and I). All in all, N had a blast and is officially 8 years old. My baby is growing up too fast.


Clint said...

Birthday's are such fun. I found you through the comment section on Kristen's blog and was appreciative of your comments on the election. I am a teacher as well and an independant voting for Obama. I teach/coach debate and public speaking.

Kristin said...

Thanks for the comment! (I responded on my blog.) And happy birthday to your boy. I was a certified secondary-ed (History) teacher in another lifetime . . . never got into the field but I do homeschool, so my teaching dreams have come true (and then some, LOL.)

Have a great day!

Lawfrog said...

Sounds like he had a fantastic birthday and many great celebrations! I'm so glad he likes to read, that is going to be such a plus to him throughout his life. One of these days, I'm going to fly out there just so I can celebrate your kiddos' birthdays with you and them.

8 years old...gosh, I can't believe it.

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday to your Kiddo! He's darling. Looks like this year is going to be a wonderful one for him!