Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sigh of Relief

What an long weekend! I spent much of Thursday through Sunday wading through piles of papers to grade and report cards to input into the computer. This was an insane stack and was not an easy task. The school is in the process of changing their report card system, so all the teachers had to complete the grades in a PDF format. Then we had to either email them to the secretary or compile them onto a memory stick or CD. On Saturday, I managed to sneak in a haircut and a trip to Costco, but then it was back to work. I teach four classes, so that's a lot of kids to assess. I finally finished the last of them this morning and prayed that everything transferred in the email okay. I'll find out tomorrow at work. I'm nervous because they are due tomorrow night by 11pm and I have to attend a meeting at my son's school tomorrow afternoon, so time will be limited. Here's hoping!

Anyhow, I then showered really quickly and took my son with me to a wedding reception for an old college friend. We hadn't seen each other in about ten years and had a good time catching up, while N enjoyed all the food. When we got home, I graded my students' homework folders. That was perhaps the fastest I've ever whipped through them. I got some laundry going, sat down to eat dinner with the family (hubby cooked), and then read a bedtime book to the kids. Finally, I took a hot bath and read a book (an adult one for a change!). Now I'm blogging and enjoying The Amazing Race. It seems like a fitting end to the crazy pace I've kept this weekend. I don't really feel like I had anytime to breathe and relax. Fall always feels like a marathon race til Thanksgiving weekend. I definitely look forward to some quality time off with the family (and no work to bring home).

Add to that, my cell phone has officially gone belly up. It doesn't last more about 5 minutes anymore without dying. So if you are one of the people who have called or left a message...I'm sorry that I can't call out long distance on our home phone and my cell is worthless.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

Crazy busy weekend! Those kinds of weekends make you feel like you just want to run away...far, far away.

Sorry about the phone. E-mail me some good times for you to chat and I'll call your home phone. I had sent you a text yesterday, but I'm thinking now you probably didn't get it.

Hang tough! Love ya!!