Thursday, January 08, 2009

2009 off and flooding...

This first week back has been a surprisingly easygoing one. I haven't gotten much sleep (as usual) and have been already fallen behind in the housework, but I don't feel stressed out about it. I figure it'll all get done at some point and there isn't any use fretting over things. I do need to get my grading caught up though or that will bite me in the you-know-what next month when report cards are due (can't believe it's almost that time again!).

Nope, the daily stressors are not what have been keeping me in check. It has been such a surreal month in the Pacific Northwest. First, we get hit with back to back winter storms that give us record snowfall. The upside to that was getting a white Christmas, which the kids loved. Secondly, the weather guys say the slow thaw should be okay and no imminent concerns over high waters. Well, guess they were just a tad wrong. The melted snow and constant rainfall has caused multiple rivers to crest throughout Oregon and Washington. The flood damage has caused numerous roads to close, even I-5 to Seattle for a stretch. If this is how 2009 has started, I will be interested to see what's in store for the rest of the year!

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

Yikes! I feel for you on the flooding thing, it's never fun. Hope it doesn't get too awful.