Friday, February 20, 2009

Rush in Heels

Okay, so I'm a johnny-come-lately on the whole Ann Coulter thing. I had heard of her prior to yesterday, but knew very little about her beyond the fact that she was a Republican pundit. I knew nothing of her controversial and confrontational style. Last night, I got couldn't get into the latest CSI episode, so I Larry King Live (Joy Behar subbed for him) and Ann was on it. What a piece of work this woman is. Even if I was a conservative, I doubt I could stomach her. She is like Rush Limbaugh in heels and without any filter.

Out of curiosity, I checked her out on youtube in several videos as she made the interview circuit to promote her latest book. Let's just say I was not impressed. If you know me at all, you know that I am not overly political and am an independent or moderate if you will. I can look at issues from both sides and lean wherever my moral compass directs me (often in the liberal direction, but not always). However, this lady is way out there with some of her assertions. She has that kind of personality that borders on narcissistic. For a woman as educated as she is, I am surprised by her tunnel vision. She reminds me of Nancy Grace actually. Ann is very opinionated, self-righteous, and talks over others that try to respond. I got a kick out of a clip of Elisabeth Hasselbeck (of all people) on The View make reference to her and she was not happy about it. Check it out for yourself at

I have known a number of people like Ann Coulter (from all walks of life and political viewpoints) over the years and they are not easy people to interact with and can be downright exhausting. I do not begrudge anyone their right to their opinion. Each person's worldview is shaped by their life experiences. She is a Christian, career-oriented woman who has never married, nor does she have any children. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of that. However, she makes many judgmental claims about people and issues she knows little about. Just a few of her views: she blames single mothers for the prison population, thinks 9/11 widows are basking in the gold rush following their husband's deaths, makes anti-semetic remarks, and believes a perfect world would contain only Rebublicans. Can we say...ouch!

I do not often blog about stuff like this, as I prefer to cover more trivial matters such as which contestant should win American Idol. Real life is stressful enough without carrying all that baggage into cyberspace. However, she really raised my ire and that is her gift I suppose. She may not be popular with the public at large, but she does get people's attention. I'm not saying she doesn't make the occasional point that has merit, but she just never stops talking! Maybe my educated mind has turned to mush over time, but I'll take Jon Stewart of The Daily Show over her anyday of the week and twice on Sunday.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

AMEN to everything you said! Ann Coulter is frightening in her complete and total insanity. I have no problem with people expressing their viewpoints, but there is a way to do so that is respectful of others. Coulter has no clue what respect is, either for herself or others.

She is, as you said, totally exhausting to listen to. I am shocked that anyone would buy her books, but it takes all kinds to make the world go round.