Sunday, March 29, 2009

Last Cake Standing

Only fellow cake enthusisasts will care about this little tidbit, but I was thrilled to find out that the Food Network is taking extreme cake decorating to the next level with their competition...Last Cake Standing. I am an avid watcher of Food Network Challenge and Ace of Cakes, so you can imagine my excitement. They take traditional cakes and pump their imaginations into it until they have created a masterpiece, often under pressure and time crunches. It has the charm and intensity of Iron Chef, but not near as much melodrama.

I love baking to a certain extent, but am in no way on the level of these hardcore pastry chefs and cake designers. Nope, I am simply a spectator. Though I have a flair for artistic endeavors and would love to shadow a pastry chef for a day. Who knows? If this teaching thing ever goes sour, maybe I can go to culinary school for a second career in pastry design. To get a better idea of why I get a kick out of these amazing cakes, check out some of these links.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I enjoy those shows, too! (When I get a chance to catch them.)

Thanks for the comments on my blog -- I love the mutual support we all share.

I wanted to let you know that I nominated your blog for a little award if you are intersted.

God bless!