Monday, March 16, 2009

A Little Too Real

So I love a good reality show as much as the next person, however, I draw the line whenever possible. I tend to favor shows like Dancing with the Stars and American Idol as opposed to Tool Academy. There is one show that has taken viewers on a rollercoaster of highs and lows this year. As many of you know, I am a fan of Jon & Kate Plus 8. Sadly, I have been disturbed by some of the things that have happened in recent months. There are articles and blogs all over the internet that are just simply tearing this show apart, most of it aimed at Kate. Some of it is very vicious. She can be neurotic, controlling, abrasive, and blunt. She can also be creative, loving, sentimental, and extremely organized (a necessity in that household). Kate does not shy away from admitting her flaws or Jon's.

When you are under the glare of the spotlight and cameras catch every imperfection of your life, things are bound to implode at some point. I do love watching the kiddos and appreciate the realness the J & K bring with their banter, yet a show like this has to have a short shelf life for the family's sake.

I haven't watched many episodes lately as I've gotten sucked into some other shows, but I try to catch a little here and there. I am saddened by the teaser for the next week's season finale. They are lifting the veil of secrecy on how challenging things have become and are letting us be privy to what has to be a terrible time for their marriage. I fear this episode will be as uncomfortable to watch as the trainwreck that was the finale of The Bachelor: After the Final Rose when that gal got dumped on national tv.

As much as they have changed over the last few years, I still root for them to make it. Maybe this will be the thing that finally inspires them to take a break for a while to gain some perspective again. I would miss the show and welcome them back after a hiatus, but they need to take some time as a family...without America dissecting their every move. I'm all for giving the kids life experiences, but J & K need to nurture but each other too.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Believe it or not, I have a hard time watching the big-family shows. I have enough noise in my life! True escape for me is "American Idol." :o)