Sunday, November 18, 2007

Tearing away the cobwebs

Holy guacamole! It's been forever since I last updated. It's been a crazy time (as usual it seems). It's been an emotional rollercoaster as of late, with a lot of highs and lows at work and home. My professional life is improving in many ways. It's still labor-intensive and time-consuming, but every week gets better and I get more efficient. The next big obstacle in my path will be report cards. They are due at the end of the month, so I have a ton of work to do between now and then. The major challenge that I face is that my grading practices have been evolving over the course of the term, so I will do my best to figure out a better system for the next semester. I am most excited thought to do some fun activities that I've been waiting to do with my students forever, but finally feel prepared to implement with them. If I get a chance, I'll post pictures of their final efforts.

As for home life, that has been overall good. My kids are enjoying the coming holidays and spending time with family. I've been trying to make more time for them and prioritize better. Hubby and I hit a financial snafoo back in September when he got laid off, so we've been playing additional catch up now that he's been back to work. The unfortunate side effect of this has been that we've had to postpone our daughter's start date for preschool until January. Thankfully, I can teach her the basics until then and our childcare provider helps out a bit with that. She just wants to go to school so badly, so it's extra hard.

Another issue that's been tough has been a family member that's very close to me has been giving me extra grief, which doesn't help. This person has some very strong opinions about some things and has been taking out their frustrations on me, an easy target for their issues. This doesn't sit well with me, but I deal with it. I don't wanna air that part of my laundry here, but had to get a little bit of that off my chest. I know I'm being a bit vague. Luckily, I've been able to compartmentalize that part of my stress for the most part. Anyway, I hope that the holidays will bring lots of joy and happiness to our lives. Things have been improving overall and I am feeling very centered these days. I'm not the frenetic, neurotic freak that I was of months past (well, most of the time anyway).

Most recently, I got to go to a baby shower with a friend of mine. It was held at Godfather's Pizza, so the food was an added bonus. We took our daughters along and they had a grand time. It's still on my heart's desires to have another baby, but I've learned to appreciate my two kids for all they are and pray that we'll be able to give them a wonderful childhood. Okay, I think I better end this blog now as I'm getting a little too contemplative for a Sunday afternoon. Take care!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Happy Haunting

So I got the kids all dressed up for Halloween this year. As usual, the kids picked out their own costumes and did remarkably well at matching for once. Normally, they are wear completely opposite outfits...which is fine. It's just that this year they looked like they both hail from Hogwarts. N dressed up as Harry Potter and K wanted to be a Pretty Pink Princess. She was adorable and even had a pink pumpkin to match her dress. Somehow we misplaced the glasses that would've completed N's outfit, but he didn't seem to mind too much. We toured the neighborhood and they got quite a haul of candy. Hubby had to work late, so he had miss out this year. It was hard on everyone as this was the first time he couldn't go trick or treating with the family. Halloween is his favorite holiday. However, K was getting tired and cold, so when Hubby did come home he came and got her. N and I proceeded to finish up our tour, which included a scary house. There is a house that hosts a neighborhood haunted house in their garage every year. It attracts kids from all over. They do this at no cost and even give out full size candy bars! They do a fantastic job too. I was even a little spooked by this lady who played a stabbing victim that stalked us as we went inside. She had this crazed look in her eyes and then began to stroke her knife. Just as you near the exit, they start the chainsaw. Yeah, we were outta there pretty fast. It feels good to know that you're never to old to enjoy a good 'ol fashioned long as it is in the safety of your own neighborhood and you know you'll likely see that lady with the knife at the next PTA function in her minivan. No Wisteria Lane around here.