Saturday, August 18, 2012

Disney Treats

To save a little time on this first round, I'm gonna skip some of the narrative and instead tell part of our Disney Trip through pictures.  There will be more to come, I promise! In the meantime, here are some pictures taken of the kids doing some special activities.  Kirsten was on a mission to get as many of the princess' autographs as she could.  Both kids were among the lucky who participated in the Jedi Academy.  Nicholas faced Darth Maul and Kirsten faced Darth Vader.  Enjoy!    

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Where have I been?

Yes, I know I know. The frequency with which I should be blogging has been a total disgrace.  My schedule over the last year was insane.  I became a "traveling" teacher in every sense of the word. I went from having a small classroom space of my own to sharing multiple spaces in multiple buildings.  It was definitely a challenge for me, organizationally-speaking.  Then my car began to have transmission problems, so I began commuting to work by public transit.  I took the bus, the train, and the streetcar for an almost 3 hour round trip.  Oh, and did I mention that I started freelance teaching an after school class for extra money to save for our trip to Disneyland. Let's just say I wasn't home much.  That alone took a toll on the family as a whole.  After surviving all of that and more, blogging slipped way down the priority list. Many of my old vices have gone by the wayside and now I'm trying to rekindle my passions a bit.  I make no promises, but I will try to blog more often. Not even gonna try to recap the last year, so I will just begin anew with our recent trip to Disneyland.  I'll add that shortly!