Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer Stuff

Summer is definitely in full swing around here and we've been doing a variety of things to stay busy. The kids have swimming lessons twice a week for a total of five weeks. In fact, this week is their final week of lessons. According to the aquatic center where they attend, K is an "electric eel" or beginner level under Red Cross guidelines. N is a "goldfish" or intermediate level. Regardless, they are both fish and love being in the water anytime they get the chance. Some of the parents there insist that their kids take lesson after lesson, but that can get expensive and become a little overkill in MHO. So we do it once a year each summer to keep it fresh and fun for them. As long as Nand K learn and continue to love it, that's what matters to me.

In early July, K also started her tumbling and trampoline class at a local gymnastics program. While she is still learning coordination, she seems to be a natural. This class is the perfect way for her to channel all that extra energy. I mean the girl never stops hopping or climbing on things, which is how she earned her nickname of "monkey." They play games, learn basic tumbling moves such as somersaults and cartwheels, and then practice various jumps on the trampoline such as tucks and straddles. I must say that as I sit and watch her with envy during class. Gymnastics was a big part of my childhood and I still love the sport to this day. I am hopeful that we can get her involved in gymnastics on a regular basis (costs moolah) at some point. We keep hoping that for N and his martial arts too. We shall see down the road.

Some other activities they've been participating in has included a day with friends at their Vacation Bible School, visiting Grandma J, going to various parks with moi, and berry-picking at nearby farm we love. Once a week, we try to meet up at a local waterpark with some good friends and let the kids cut loose a little. We love this newly renovated park that is all-inclusive. In addition to tennis courts, they have a fountain, very unique playgrounds, a creekbed, a sandpit, and even a couple of picnic tables. The kids never seem to get bored there, so we keep coming back. I'm still on a mission to keep checking out new parks in the area to change it up now and then. I will say that sunscreen is a must as there is very little shade available, so thank goodness for water. I have lobster burn to prove it. Ouch!

Of course, there has been lots of progress made on the homefront. On our down days, I try to tackle the clutter and purge as much of it as possible. Some days I make lots of headway, while others not so much. Overall, I've truly made an enormous dent in the amount of junk and made the people of Goodwill very happy in the process. I should stick to one room until it's done, but since there was so much clutter in every room I just couldn't stick to that gameplan. Instead, I've whittled the eyesore piles to more manageable levels in most rooms to reduce my own anxiety. Ah, so much to do and never enough time to do it all! I'll eventually post some pictures when I feel it is truly blogworthy. When I came home today, I saw that the landscapers had removed some of our bushes, a clear sign that it is almost our turn for neighborhood construction project to start on our building. Ugh. I've been observing it all unfold across the way at my neighbor's home that share our greenspace. That's one of the reasons I try to keep busy and we're out many days out of the week. The constant construction stresses me out and it's hard to feel at peace with all of that going on around you.

At least the sunshine is shining, the kids are healthy and happy, I get to spend lots of time with them, and that's enough to be grateful for.

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