Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I'm forcing myself to write this blog so that I can get back into the habit of keeping it regularly updated. I've been a total slacker with it these past months. The reality of it all is that I just don't usually have any energy left. Things are starting to wind down at school. I've been packing up stuff little by little. I even got a jumpstart on grades, so I'm proud of myself for that. It's a good feeling to finally be on top of things for once, instead of playing constant catch-up. Today we had a our final staff meeting and everyone was very sad. Since the school is closing down and also being torn down, it's a bittersweet process for sure. I'm lucky that I've only been there for a year, so I'm not as attached as some of the veteran staff.

I did realize though how much I'll miss my students. They're like my own kids and as we prep them for graduation, it's even more emotional. I'm actually trying to detach myself a bit now so it's easier to let them go. My 6th graders are my first class of my very own, so they hold a special place in my heart. I enjoyed Outdoor School with them so much, that it's so hard to say goodbye.

I've also been keeping very busy with N's baseball games. He gets better with every game. We haven't missed a single one and he starting to pay more attention and in longer spurts. I love that they let the kids play different positions, instead of just sticking them in the same spot everytime. It really lets them try out their different strengths. I am hopeful that he continues to grow. It's unbelieveable to me how much he's changing. He's almost in 2nd grade and K is almost a Kindergartener. It's crazy. Okay, that's all for now. I wanna see the results on American Idol. :)

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