Sunday, October 28, 2007

All will be alright...

Well, I've been keeping busy lately with a lot of errands. As money allows, I try to stock my classroom with much-needed supplies, curriculum books, and such. It's fun to shop for stuff that will make my life as a teacher all the smoother. It's my hope that I can keep it all organized. Each week is definitely improving. While there are lots of little things still to do, I feel as though I am moving closer to my goals. I am always the perfectionist, so that hinders my progress at times. I want things to go right the first time and am easily frustrated when they don't. So I have been practicing the art of just letting go of the little things and accepting that I am still learning. Being okay with making mistakes is a big accomplishment for me. I preach that to my students all the time...that it is the effort that is most important...the right answers will come. Now I just have to remember to heed my own words. It's all about taking on a zen attitude.

Something else that has been grabbing my attention as of late has been the fact that the holiday season is almost upon us. I love Autumn, the colors, the beautiful trees, and the spookiness of Halloween. My kids really look forward to this time of year. They get to wear costumes, go trick-or-treating, and participate in our family traditions. However, once we bid farewell to the ghosts and goblins, I become a giddy little kid. Why may you ask? Well, because that means that 'tis the season to be jolly. There's Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas, and New Years all in the span of just over a month. Most importantly, Christmas break will be here soon and I'll get a full two weeks to hang out with my kids. I miss them terribly and sometimes resent the extra hours I have to put in at work. Yet I know that they still love me and that keeps a smile on my face on even the yuckiest of days. Anyhow, I love this time of year most of all and can't wait to see family, eat good food, and go Christmas shopping.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

I love this time of year too! It's so much fun. Cooler weather, gatherings with family, good food. YUM!

Your kids definitely love you no matter what and when they are old enough to understand why you had to put in this kind of work, they will appreciate you all the more.