Sunday, October 21, 2007

Clouds are parting...

Survived parent conferences! It was an incredibly long week, but I feel as though the clouds are parting and I'm getting a little sunbreak. The weather has been gloomy as has been my workload. It always feels good to get some busywork off the plate. In addition to completing my own conferences, I attended my son's at his school nearby. After speaking with his first grade teacher, I stuck around and was able to chat with a sixth grade teacher. She spent an hour showing me stuff that her class has been doing and shared a ton of materials with me. She just met me and even lent me a book of hers to use. I thought that took amazing trust on her part, but I reassured her that I stop in every morning to drop off my son so I would return her book shortly. Anyhow, she gave me so many great ideas that I will be incorporating into my own classroom. What I love about my son's school is how organized and together it is.

My school is a wonderful place in it's own right, but there are some challenges to it (as I have blogged about in the past). It's tough being on a team of two first year teachers and our title teacher is also in her first year of such a position, so everyone is just trying to find their own way. Since I finished my conferences a little early, I devoted part of Friday to getting some extra stuff done. I brought home a stack of papers to sort through and organize into files. It's too tedious to share all of my new plans here in this blog, but I feel good about the changes. Also, since it was payday, I purchases some educational books that I had been wanting. All around it was a productive week and gives me hope for the coming months. While I don't expect to master everything the first year, I plan to become more adept at some things at least.

We also got some additional bills paid off and that has been a good feeling. Little by little the positives are coming back into our lives. The kids got to play with some friends and get some time off from school. We are gearing up for Halloween, so that will be fun. We just need to sit down and carve the pumpkin one of these nights. I have an scary idea for what it ought to look like, but we'll see if I can convince hubby to go with it. Anyhow, I am ret to go for another week. For now, laundry awaits. So tahtah for now!

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