Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Colors of Costco

This is gonna sound really strange, but read on. As I was sitting with my kids in the food court at Costco, waiting for hubby to bring us our hot dogs, something very wonderful struck me. My kids were jabbering away as I glanced at the many families surrounding us. I first noticed the family next to us. There was a black man with his white wife and their two beautiful toddler boys. Then my eyes wandered around and saw an elderly white gentleman in a suit, learning how to say some words in Spanish from the Latino family sitting at the table next to him. Next, I saw about three or four families of varying Asian descents. About four tables over, I noticed another interracial family. The husband was white and the wife appeared to be Filipino and they were busy admiring the cute kids of the first family I mentioned. Across several more tables, I saw one of my former Latino students with his family, who spoke only minimal English. He had moved here with them when he was a 3rd grader. Why does any of this matter? It matters only because Martin Luther King, Jr. suddenly popped into my head as I sat there people-watching. His dream was for people of all creeds and colors to be okay with one another and this day was an example that dream finally coming to fruition. Maybe it was a naive observation on my part and I don't know if other people notice things like this, but it definitely put a smile on my face. I pointed it out to my husband and he thought it was pretty cool too. We got to talking how it would've been amazing if MLK had lived to see such a thing. At least his wife, Coretta, was able too. It's especially poignant considering his first grandbaby was born earlier this year. Anyhow, I guess it was just one of those profound moments when you take time to smell the roses and take it all in. And that's a good thing in my book.

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