Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring has sprung!

So I'm taking advantage of the fact that I was inspired to write a blog tonight. It's been tough to find anything worth writing about other than idle chatter (as you can see in some previous posts). We are finally past that nasty bug that has been knocking people down like dominoes. It pretty much shut down our household for almost a month and that was on the heels of all the other stuff that we dealt with. I knew it would be a marathon from Christmas break to summer, but I am so very glad there is that lovely little pitstop we call spring break. Just need to recharge my batteries to make it til June.

There are a ton of school activities on the horizon both at work and for the kids in the coming months, so life will continue to be very busy. I've made a lot positive changes in recent weeks to make home and work run a bit more smoothly. It is has caused some stress, but I am learning how to quiet my mind. We are also getting out of dodge at long last. This weekend we'll leave for a few days at the coast and I can't wait for that! This will be the first time we've ever gone away (just our little family) on vacation. We usually go visit relatives or friends, but we are beginning our quest to travel to different destinations. This year we are starting out in familiar territory, but will hopefully tackle Disneyland or The Redwoods next year.

The other thing I am looking forward to is the return of sunshine and warmer temperatures. After a long winter hiatus, the kids get to do more activities outside and I get my second wind!

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

Have a great time! Relax, soak up the sun,'s all good:)