Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Means the Most

Okay, I know I've been a terrible blogger as of late. I'm so incredibly busy with the school year winding down and life always seems to take over. In my downtime, my brain is so zapped that I have nothing left to say. What's more, I've been trying to find my cord that allows me to upload pictures from my digital camera! The little memory card doesn't work with this laptop either, so I am way behind on posting pics. The camera is rapidly filling up on memory space, so I gotta find that stinkin' cord soon so I can clear it up for K's upcoming birthday!

Anyway, on the bright side there are only three weeks to go until I am officially off for the summer with the kids! I work in a different school and district, so I am actually off a week and a half before them. Their school tacked on makeup days to make up for that huge snowstorm we had back in December. As soon as they finish, they'll start their swimming lessons, much to their delight. They'll also be taking art classes. N is signed up for a graphic novel/comic book/manga drawing class, while K will be in beginning drawing. N said to me the other day that he loves summer best, because we get to hang out together and do fun activities. He hit that nail on the head. You have know idea how much this time with them means to me. Work and academics are important, but so is quality time with family in my book. For example, my mom and I made time last year to attend an annual quilt show that she loves to go to. It wasn't so much the activity, it was just the time we had together that meant so much.

On similar note, I realized that one of the reasons my best gal pal and I have managed to keep our friendship strong, has been by making a concerted effort to visit each other whenever possible. Since finances are usually tight for both of us, it is a rare treat. Since I have that time before the kids get out of school, my best friend and I will be meeting up in Las Vegas for a few days to spend some quality BFF bonding time. She treated me to that amazing cruise to Cozumel last year to swim with the dolphins, so I figured it was high time I somehow return the favor. I can't afford to fly her, but at least I can provide snazzy roof over her head in Sin City.

Luckily, DH and I have a timeshare so that makes it easy. If you've ever thought about getting one, Monarch Grand Vacations are awesome! I'm not trying to plug anything here, I am just thrilled to get to share this amazing resort with her. She has blessed me with her friendship in so many ways.

Here's hoping we don't melt on the tarmac upon stepping off the plane from the heat!


Lawfrog said...

Awww, you made my day! So looking forward to the snazzy roof over my head and hanging with ya in Sin City. If we melt on the tarmac, we can signal someone to scrap us up and we'll just melt our way to the time share:)

Kristin said...

That sounds like a great time! I miss doing that with my friends. What a blessing that time-share is and I'm sure you'll have a blast together.