Saturday, June 26, 2010

Park it!

Whenever we go over to the home of some dear family friends, the kids love to play in the grassy field behind their house. They live in a rural area that is just a wonderland for the kids' imaginations. They have a play structure too and lots of room to roam, so they definitely wear themselves out every visit, which is a great thing.

We live in a townhome, so my kids' time to explore the great outdoors is often limited to our little yard or the small park across the street. For the last few years, I've made it my goal to involve the kids in lots of extracurricular summer activities, go on nature walks, ride our bikes, and whatever else we can fit into our weekly schedule. This year, we thought it would be fun to check out as many new parks as possible. So while we'll still frequent our favorites, every week we'll also be visiting a different park just to spice things up. There are three little ones in our immediate neighborhood, so we've grown weary of the familiar scenery. After reading an article in a local publication on the best parks in our area, we thought we could even branch out to some popular hotspots and lesser known gems. The kids and I are excited for this new mission. I'll try to periodically post pictures and reviews of our park explorations.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I think that's a great idea! I wish we had more parks around here . . . maybe we'll have to drive around a little more. You might also try camping for a real "close to nature" experience! :)