Sunday, November 19, 2006

Memory Lane

Okay, while this may not be a wild night on the town, I had a jolly good time with some friends tonight. We spent our Saturday night reminiscing about stuff from our childhood. On a lark, we checked out some of the outrageous bids for the PS3s on Ebay (some were up to $2500 and a "buy it now" price of $4500!). We continued to check out other stuff and childhood toys that we loved as kids just for fun. We found auctions for Barbie stuff (i.e. Angel Face Barbie, Malibu Barbie, Barbie and the Rockers--Ken had quite the hair helmet going on), Holly Hobbie, The Ginghams Paper Dolls, Dolly Pops, and Sea Wees. I was very good, I didn't bid on anything...even though I wanted to.

We also found some old favorite television theme songs and listened to them online at We had a good time laughing and remembering all the great moments. It's not so much the shows per se, but the memories that go with them. We of course had some favorites tunes.

Some standout themes included CHiPs (can't beat that intro baby), Miami Vice, Greatest American Hero (still know the words!), Grizzly Adams (very John Denver-esque), Charmed (For you Rosie!), Family Ties, Bosom Buddies, The Love Boat, Married With Children, etc. Obviously there are too many to list here, but they are great little songs that stand the test of time. What is so great is that they were a snapshot of a time that reminds us exactly where we were in our lives at that time. Anyhow, we enjoyed ourselves on our little walk down memory lane.

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