Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Night Frights

Okay, maybe it's because Halloween is coming soon or maybe it's just because DH has a sadistic streak and likes to make me watch horror films. We winding down for the night and DH was flipping stations until he stopped on The Ring. I was content with watching What Women Want with Mel Gibson, but nooooooo...he has to freak me out with psychotic little girls crawling out of television sets and killing people. I love a good scary movie as much as the next one, but this one in particular gives me the willies. The kicker here is as we were watching crazy girl about to do her thing. As I glance over to our darkened doorway, I see my own little girl staring back at me with her long brown hair hanging in her face. I literally jump. If you haven't seen The Ring, go read the summary at imdb first. If you have already, you can imagine the irony of the timing of K coming out for an innocent drink of water. As sweet as K looks, even she looks a little freaky in the dark with her tangled locks resembling Samara.

As the movie progresses, DH decides to go downstairs to do something. Next thing I know the phone is rings once (it's after 10pm mind you). I am sure it's DH trying to scare me. He of course says he just went to get his phone. A little while later the phone rings again with him right beside me. I am certain he's got his cell on him and he's still trying to f* around with me. He gives me this "oh sh*t" look and says he doesn't have his phone. We both stay put and just let it ring. This is why I am selective in the horror films I watch. I like to sleep peacefully, not fitfully lost in nightmares.


Lawfrog said...

I'm with ya there. I once watched pieces of Amityville Horror (the old one) while alone in the house at night with a huge storm going on outside. NEVER AGAIN.

Clint said...

Ah but it is the time of year for ghost and gobblins!

Kristin said...

Oh no -- I can just imagine jumping if my daughter came down at that moment! LOL.

Yes, I notice there are a lot of freaky movies on right now in honor of "Halloween." They REALLY disturb me, so I have to avoid them, too.