Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just say no...

I was watching TV tonight and caught a snippet of a VH-1 special on the drug culture through the years. I happen to see the part that reflected on the Reagan Administration's war on drugs. Nancy Reagan made her mark when she spearheaded her "Just Say No" anti-drug campaign. I gotta tell ya, I have never forgotten that one. Remember those some of those catchy slogans that have permeated our culture and taught us some life lessons along the way? I'm not necessarily talking about the "Where's the beef?" kind, I'm referring to some of the more meaningful ones that stick with you. I mean the ones that remind you to make healthy choices, to do the right thing and live your life to the fullest. It's interesting how many of these PSAs have become a part of our vernacular. See how many of the following you remember and what each one is about...
"Give a hoot, don't pollute!"

"Only you can prevent forest fires."

"Just do it."

"Got milk?"

"This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?"

"A mind is a terrible thing to waste."

"Take a bite outta crime."

"Friends don't let friends drive drunk."

"The toughest job you'll ever love."

"Using it won't kill you. Not using it might."

"You could learn a lot from a dummy."

"Looking for a few good men."

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

Wow, those brought back a lot of memories. I remember all of those!