Saturday, February 07, 2009

Spring cleaning comes early...

Today was quite productive in that we continued the task of drying out our flooring in the bathroom. I washed loads and loads of laundry, primarily towels. We also drove to Vancouver to take care of some loose ends with my FIL and ran a couple of errands. Between the fiasco of the flooding and some bedroom furniture we inherited from DH's father, our bedroom is in complete upheaval at the moment. With all of the shifting of stuff and cleaning up, it almost feels like we're moving. It's a lot to add to an already overflowing plate, but I look at it all as a blessing in disguise. It's given us the kick in the you-know-what to get things straightened up and thinned out. We even rented a storage locker at long last. It will be a time-consuming process, but we hope it will all be so much better in the long run. Here are some pictures to illustrate the crazy mess we call our storage room, oops I mean bathroom. Will try to post some "after" pics once we get it all presentable again.

This is all the stuff that needs to be sorted out. Aaaaaaah!

And more stuff...

And even more! All thanks to the our little flood.

Goodwill here we come!

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