Saturday, May 01, 2010

Playing Catchup pt. 2

Okay, here goes my second attempt at catching up on some of our myriad of activities over the last couple of months. Much of our spring break was spent cleaning and purging our house and also traveling to my hometown of Bend to help my parents do the same thing. After some 16 years, they finally opted to rid themselves clutter not their own. They are downsizing to another home in town, so they needed some help getting rid of stuff. The attic in my parent's home has been a storage unit for not only their own belongings, but for me and other family members as well. My primary job was to sort through old boxes from childhood and take back what I wanted to keep or it would be sent to Goodwill. Fair enough.

It was a fairly short trip, just two nights. After a lunch date with hubby, I drove down with just the kids and myself midweek. DH had to stay behind to work. We took our time driving there and stopped a couple times to just look around at some beautiful scenic views and snap some pictures. Wednesday was pretty much spent in the garage and attic as I rediscovered many childhood memories amidst the dusty old boxes. My mom and I had a wonderful day remembering stuff. Grandpa "Fuzzy Face" entertained the kids by taking them out to lunch and visited the High Desert Museum. The kids got to explore natural history exhibits, observe wildlife, and participate in various activities such as panning for gold. K took charge of the camera and took many of the photos. She and I share this snaphappy passion (thank you Grandma Myra!), so it's neat to watch her take such an interest in it.

On Wednesday night, many of my extended family came over to see us and have dinner. We so rarely have opportunities to spend time with each other these days, due to the distance and other life events, so I was grateful to see everyone. The kids and I left early Thursday morning to drive back home, again taking our time to enjoy the scenery. We would've smelled the roses had their been any, so we settled for skipping rocks in the river.

Taking a break and enjoying the view of Mt. Hood in the distance.

Going for a short hike...

Two birds of a feather

My nephew and his bride

Grandpa falling asleep watching N play his DS

K took this one of us

K dancing with Uncle Steve

At the High Desert Museum

One of many bronzed wildlife along the trails

Taking a break


Birds of prey

Panning for gold

On our way home, we stopped along the river along the Warm Springs Reservation.

Skipping rocks...

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