Monday, July 23, 2007

Stir Crazy

I feel like I am trapped inside Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day. It has been overcast or raining ever since I returned from Houston a week ago. The grey, cloudy skies are depressing and preventing the kids from enjoying the great outdoors. It has begun taking a toll on me as well. The kids are underfoot and getting a little bit of cabin fever. In an effort not to go stir crazy, I have been job hunting like a maniac (hubby would enjoy that one). I can't escape it. After spending count them...6 plus hours on the computer (with a 20 minute lunchbreak with the kids) filling out an online application for Portland Public Schools. Whew! It was long and tedious, but necessary. I had avoided the task for obvious reasons, but finally buckled down and just did it.

After finishing the application, I took an hourlong TV break to watch Little House on the Prairie. Feeling like I hadn't accomplished anything all day, I decided to begin my storage unit project. We have a nook under the stairs where we store things, but it is long overdue for a spring cleaning. There is no telling how long it will take to tackle this latest project, but I intend to make a big dent before my summer freedom winds down. So far I've made it through two boxes. I've been feeling pretty good about how far through the 'to do' list I've gotten, but realize there's more to go. Three things need to happen soon though to keep me from going completely loopy...find a job, get centered, and pray that the sun'll literally come out tomorrow so we can go back outside.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

I'm with you on getting centered and praying the sun will come out. It has been sunny all of two days here in the last month or so. It's supposed to be raining again this week. SIGH.

Fingers crossed on the job:)