Sunday, July 22, 2007


Pottermania has struck again! The release of the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, has overshadowed the release of the movie's fifth installment, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Unless you have been living under a rock, you've undoubtedly heard about the long lines waiting outside countless bookstores around the globe. All of the diehard Harry fans have been waiting for the clock to strike midnight so that they can clamor for one of the coveted must-reads. J.K. Rowling performed a midnight reading as well to help plug her book, not that it needed any more publicity. In some libraries, children were allowed to stay all night to do marathon readings to encourage youth readership. There were concerns that after this series ends, then children will lose interest in reading. While there might be a slight dip, I have faith that there will be another book waiting in the wings to become the next big thing. Harrymania has literally turned into a frenzy. It reminds me a lot of the days when Luke Skywalker and Star Wars were all the rage. Every generation has got to have its hero.

I must admit that I was a Johnny-come-lately with the whole Harry Potter series. I have yet to read a single book and waited a few years before opting to finally sit through the very first film. I had heard all of the hysteria surrounding the little wizard-in-training, but for some reason couldn't wrap my mind around all the hoopla. I am a fan of fantasy movies in general from early obscure cult faves like Hawk the Slayer and Dragonslayer, to becoming a hardcore fan of the LOTR Trilogy. However, I've never been big on fantasy books. This particular genre just has never been my cup of tea.

After much persuasion, my hubby finally convinced me to sit down and watch the films. The first one took me a couple of times to get through and thought it was okay. However, each film that followed got better and better until I was hooked. Now like the rest of the world, I am anticipating the day when I'll get to go see the latest film and enjoy watching the earlier ones. While I still don't see myself becoming a Potterhead, I plan to read the series to my children when they get a bit older. My son is almost seven, so I hope to begin a reading ritual with him beginning with his first Harry Potter book this coming Christmas. He is learning to read, so he's finally at an age where we'll get to enjoy the books together...much the way my grandmother used to read the Little House books to me as a little girl (which I'm planning to do with my daughter in the coming years, for now we read the picture book versions). Laura Ingalls was my my literary hero.

My biggest fear is that Harry's fate will be disclosed through all the unavoidable spoilers. I've rather enjoyed watching the films without knowledge of what's to come. I still haven't read the LOTR books, but I imagine my hubby will eager to share his love this genre with our children in his own way. In the meantime, I'll look forward to seeing the next three films. So if you know how it all ends...please don't tell me!
I stand corrected...on the heels of finishing this blog entry, my daughter came into the room and got excited at the graphics and says, "That's Harry Potter. He's my favorite movie." Guess, I'm gonna have to read the series to them both...:)

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