Saturday, August 30, 2008

Do the Bus Stop!

I remember there is a dance called the "bus stop" and that's what I feel like doing right now! I'm so completely relieved, I can't even tell you. For the last few weeks, my childcare provider (whom I'll call "J"), and I have been exchanging numerous emails. She lives about 2 blocks from our house. We have been trying to figure out the logistics of pick up and drop offs for before and after school transportation. J's house nestled in between three different stops that are about a block or so from her home. The one at the top of the hill is closest to our home and the one N is most accustomed to using (for the last 2 years). There is also one behind her house a little bit and one down the street is furtherest away but easiest to see from her place. My son will be attending all day and my daughter only half day. My kids will board the bus together in the morning, but my daughter will be getting off alone midday.
My babysitter was being difficult about waiting outside her house to see the kids off the bus. She wanted to watch from her windows since she still has other little ones in her care. I understand her rationale, but I have felt that it is imperative to have a pair of adult eyes on my kids at all times. We have tried to reach a number of compromises, but none seem to be just right for both parties. After N went missing last year at his bus stop for about 40 minutes when he was a kindy, we've been on edge ever since about that. Nobody wants a repeat with K. I will spare you the tediousness of the details and get straight to the point. The transportation department just called to tell me they created a new bus stop in front of her house. At first I thought it was a mistake, but then realized the heavens opened up to make both of our days. I told the lady on phone that they were awesome! I am so completely ecstatic and feel like a huge weight has been lifted. Woohoo for the bus driver!

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

Yah, that is great news! I can't imagine how that eases your mind and will be so much easier for both the kiddos too, to be able to get off the bus right in front of her house.

I can't believe K is going to school now. Sniff, sniff...doesn't seem like she's old enough for that. But she is.