Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Well Child

Since my insurance will be changing shortly, we've spent much of August getting caught up on medical and dental needs. I saw my audiologist to get my hearing checked. Since my hearing loss is progressive and unusual for someone my age, I am supposed to go in for annual hearing tests. I only a had slight deterioration this time around, so that was good news. However, I still have mild to moderate high frequency hearing loss, so the audiologist reiterated her reccommendation for a hearing aid since I mentioned how difficult it was for me to teach. I struggle when listening to others speak, especially if they are facing away from me at all. Unfortunately, my insurance doesn't cover the cost of aids at this time. I am hopeful that my new provider will cover it. In the meantime, I guess I am continuing to work on reading lips more.

As for the kids, they each had a teeth cleaning and x-rays taken. Thankfully, both had no cavities, so that was a big woohoo for them on their brushing skills! I was impressed that the this particular dentail office handed out actual character toothbrushes by Oral B vs. the plain boring ones that I got as a kid. They've come a long way in that department. They also had their annual well child check-ups. N was extra busy with the neurologist and a follow-up with our pediatrician. It is a huge relief that we finally have a diagnosis that makes sense. Once we learn more about what we are dealing with and any further progress to report, I may elaborate in the future on his diagnosis. For now, I will protect N's privacy on this matter. On another note, both are healthy and happy. K scored 20/60 on her vision screening, so she was referred to see an optometrist. She can see things up close, but struggles with the far away stuff. I assume that makes her near-sighted and may need glasses down the road. Not a shock in our family as many of our relatives on both sides wear glasses, including hubby. I am having a hard time getting her an appointment though before August is over. We've been using Kaiser for the last six years or so and since my insurance will be through a new provider, we have to find all new doctors...which really really bites.

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