Saturday, November 08, 2008

Try blog's fun!

Yes, I realize this is my third post today. I have lots to babble about, so sue me. I went grocery shopping, filled my gas tank, and baked cookies for the family. The day was not a total waste. And to fulfill my mission to do as little as possible today and unwind my mind, I went blog surfing. It's a ton of fun and I highly recommend it. You'll discover some entertaining, enlightening, and endearing reads. I updated my Noteworthy Blogs section to include some of my favorites I found along my journey through blogland.

One that really caught my attention is at Laissezfaire. This blogger has some amazing tips for decluttering your home, among other things. Yes, I know this is not exciting information, but if when you struggle with space and clutter issues like I do, it is wonderful thing.

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