Sunday, November 02, 2008

Whatever floats your boat...

This past summer I discovered the TLC show Jon and Kate Plus Eight. I have gushed in the past about how much I love this show. It is one of the few shows on television that both my kids and I can enjoy together. My kids eat it up! A close friend and I get a kick out of each episode. Her children are just as into it. I even bought Seasons 1 and 2 on DVD, something I have never done for a reality show of all things. The show began innocently enough as a glimpse into the lives of a couple dealing with life as parents of two sets of multiples. It is entertaining and endearing. I have come across a variety of articles that have taken to bashing the Gosselins for exploiting their children for financial gain.

While I agree that a show such as this has to have a shelf life that expires at some point, I also believe that some people are blowing smoke where there is no fire. Kate seems to bear the brunt of most of the negative press for her "quirkiness." She is OCD and a self-professed germaphobe. I don't care who you are, many moms can relate to some of her neurosises (can't spell that right). What she could work on however is her constant verbal corrections of Jon's word choice. That can be annoying coming from anyone. It seems on the surface that most of the children are fairly well-adjusted to their unique situation, with the exception of Mady. Hopefully, they are seeking professional counseling to help her out a little with her "issues" so that they don't worsen over time. They probably receive some amount of taunting from their classmates.

As for the barrage of negativity over Jon and Kate accepting free trips and services in exchange for product placement and such, I struggle to see the problem with a free trip to Hawaii or a Utah ski lodge. Life experiences are something that every child should be fortunate enough to have. I truly hope that Jon and Kate are setting a good chunk of their income from the show aside for the future when the spotlight has faded. That would be a truly wonderful thing to see a college fund set up for each child as a result of this show. I also fail to see the harm in Jon and Kate staying home with the kids as a terrible thing. Some bloggers have complained that the kids are "working" and "supporting" the family. To a certain extent that may be true, but from they show on the air, their "work" is consisting of playing, attending pre-school, napping, eating, and touring various places such as the zoo, farms, and *gasp* Hawaii! If that is work, I'll trade places with them anyday.

I think everyone is entitled to their opinion and it is comforting to know that many want only the best for the Gosslin children and others like them (i.e. Duggars, etc.). On 17 Kids and Counting, the kids are raised in a very conservative and religious household to shelter them from life's bad influences. Is it not a little bit of an oxymoron to limit their television, yet appear on it? I don't have to agree with all that they believe or do, because it's not my life. Kate and Jon do not pretend to be perfect. Whatever floats their boats I say. As the Beatles so eloquently sing it, "let it be."

I guess I just find it odd that so many people raise an eyebrow to them, but have barely bat an eyelash and have embraced Little People Big World without issue. This one showcases a couple dealing with dwarfism and their four children, one of whom is also a dwarf. The Roloffs happen to live just a hop, skip, and a jump down the road from me. I think they amazing and applaud their courage to document their lives in such a way. For all the naysayers out there, I hear your point and agree with you on a certain level...however, try to resist the dark side of the force and cross over into the light to see the sunny side. Okay, I know...bad analogy, but you get my drift.

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