Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Today was truly a blessing. This was the first Christmas Day in I don't know how long, that we spent with just home. We woke up at about 8:oo and headed downstairs to see what Santa had left under the tree. It was so much fun watching the kids open all of their presents and see the joy on their faces. What was funny is that we thought they would show more excitement over the bigger gifts, but ended up getting more jazzed over the little things. K pulled a "Littlest Pet Shop" brochure out that I had stuck in her stocking (she likes looking through them) and that was the greatest thing to her. N had a very anti-climactic reaction to the Nintendo DS that he had been asking for and received (from DH's dad), but was more thrilled when he got a Garfield comic book.

In a way, I am grateful that they are easily pleased with the simpler things and appreciate the smallest joys as they aren't accustomed to getting elaborate stuff. It honestly doesn't take much to impress or excite them. It's kind of like giving a baby the latest electronic gizmo toy with all the bells and whistles, but the baby is more intrigued with the box it comes in. Anyhow, they had a fantastic time sorting through all their new stuff as we faced the task of undoing all the twisty ties and wrappings that the toys came in.

After awhile, the kids began saying that they were hungry and we realized we had forgotten to get stuff for our breakfast. DH suddenly suggested that we go out to Elmer's and so we did. Surprisingly, they were fairly busy. We indulged in our tummies and ate a very hearty breakfast. Needless to say, we only nibbled a little bit for the rest of the day and had a very light dinner of oatmeal with brown sugar and milk. I know it doesn't sound like much, but we all enjoyed it. The kids watched one of their new DVDs (Madagascar) and played with their new Bendaroos from their Auntie Shelley (they were a big hit by the way!). It was a very quiet, peaceful day with my family and I couldn't be happier.

We have to turn in early tonight as we leave for Bend tomorrow morning. Wish us luck on the roads as the slush is still hanging around.

I hope that all of you out there enjoy your holiday and are blessed with lots of love and laughter.

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