Thursday, December 04, 2008

Sweet Tooth

Okay, I blame it on this time of year. With all of the goodies available during the holidays, it's just so hard to be completely healthy in my diet. Call it a moment a weakness or just plain sweet tooth, but I just ate an entire Butterfinger candy bar and now the guilt has set in. Why do we do this to ourselves? Models, actresses, and athletes starve themselves to look thin and beautiful. They get battered in the media if they stray even the slightest by taunting photos in the rag mags. It can't be easy to take. It's all about being your own worst critic to certain degree.

I don't go to extremes, but I do deny myself a lot my favorite treats in the name of trying to keep my own weight down. I hate that I even feel the need to. Back in high school, I made a personal choice to swear off full size candy bars because I thought the calorie count and sugar content was too much for me to handle. I will eat the bite size mini versions, but have rarely indulged in big boys. When I was pregnant, I craved frozen twinkies all the time, but tried to keep myself in check to a certain extent.

Remember the story of Hansel and Gretal? The wicked old woman who lived in the candy house knew just how to hook the kids and reel 'em right into her trap. The sweet tooth is a dangerous thing.

With my little transgression tonight, I'm going to have to be good for the next couple of days just to work off the guilt and extra calories. However, DH's Christmas party is tomorrow night, so that desire to stay clear of sweets won't last too long. May have to wait until January to make the annual resolution.

1 comment:

Shelby said...

These are both interesting lists. Enjoyed the post.