Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Fool me twice

There is that 'ol adage saying..."Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Anyhow, this saying is so fitting for me mood right now. I'm not depressed per se, but feeling silly for putting so much faith into something. Awhile back I was interviewed for a fourth grade jobshare position at a nearby elementary school. Unfortunately, I didn't get it. However, the principal called to tell me and assured me that I was their second choice and it simply came down to the fact that the person they hired just had more experience. I was a little let down, but realized that was how this game was played. It was only my second interview so far, so I figured there was still hope. The silver lining in this phone call was that he informed me to keep an eye out for a third grade position that would be coming available soon. That gave me even more hope.

So a couple of weeks pass by and I keep checking the district website and no sign. I check on a Sunday night and still nothing. Well, Monday comes along and I get another phone call from the principal of the same elementary school. He personally invited me to come back for another interview for the third grade slot. So I go through the process all over again. This time I was more relaxed as there were familiar faces in the meeting. I felt good about things and crossed my fingers. While I waited for word on this latest opportunity, I ended up going in for an interview with a different elementary school. I felt really positive about that interview and felt it was my strongest performance thus far.

So I went into today feeling really happy that I had two job possibilities on the table and again held out hope. Then the phone rang tonight and somehow I knew it was that principal. He had called me last time around 7pm the last time to tell me the news, so I wasn't surprised to hear from him. Sadly, I had a sinking feeling from the getgo what the verdict would be. It was just the same song and dance as before. He apologized and seemed to feel genuinely bad to have to tell me same bad news a second time. Sadly, it was for the same reason...they went with someone with more experience. He kept trying to tell me how strong a candidate I was and toe keep checking the website for openings. My ego balloon pretty much deflated at that point, but I appreciated his efforts to pump me back up. Anyhow, I'm not nearly as torn up at this loss as I was the last time. I feel more foolish than anything else. I guess I had thought too much of the fact that he had taken the time to ask me back and then well...fool me twice as the title states. It is getting easier each time, but I would really like something to pan out soon.

There has been a strange pattern developing after each of the interviews I've had so far. Each of the first three interviews have taken place on a Thursday. Each time I have been rejected on the following Tuesday. The most recent inteview took place on a Monday and the school mascot is the dolphin...my favorite animal! Maybe those are two good omens. The school had a lot of charm and the staff seemed very nice. Knock on wood, but I have a good feeling about this last one. Just don't wanna put all my eggs in that basket, so I keep trying for other things just in case. Despite everything, I refuse to give up on the notion that the right job is out there waiting. It's just a matter of time. As they say, gotta keep hope alive!

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

If anyone should feel foolish, it's that principal! Yes, I am still bitter about this.

The mascot is a dolphin?? That is an excellent omen! Keep the faith:)