Friday, June 22, 2007

Public Access

I find that as I channel surf late into the evening, the pickings are slim. I also discover just how odd some of the programming becomes for the nocturnal crowd, a category I currently fall into. So tonight after my nightly Sex and the City fix, I briefly stop on the public access channel. Now this is usually the place where the strangest things air...think back to the SNL days of Wayne and Garth. Over the years, I have watched a number of trippy shows from some equally trippy locals. From the lady with the pink hair and silver alien suit to the hypnotic spirals (eerie special effects show)...the channel boasts some very original, albeit odd ducks.

Interestingly enough, there was one gal who hosted a show called Synergy. It was a really unique blend of Martha Stewart-style craft ideas and Zoom (from PBS). Anyhow, we affectionately referred to the gal who hosted the show as "freaky girl." This was because the show was just such a trip to watch and showcased some really unusual stuff. Hubby and I actually bonded over this show as we both got a kick out of it. Ironically, this gal ended up in my track in graduate school. She turned out to be exactly the same way in person, but better. She was amazingly sweet and really full of positive energy. Though I didn't get a chance to really know her well, I thought she was great.

So getting back to my original reason for posting. Tonight I caught the tail end of this other show that is hosted by an elderly gentleman with a shock of white hair and very bushy eyebrows. His voice is very scraggly and he tends to just ramble on about everything. Many episodes appear to focus on him staring into the camera and discussing whatever is on his mind, though he occasionally mixes it up. We affectionately refer to him as "freaky guy." As trippy as freaky girl's show could be, she's got nothing on this guy in the strange department. He is so kooky it's hilarious. One time I watched about 10 minutes of him discussing the view of his window. He even politely turned the camera angle so his viewing audience could see for themselves. Yes, I had to turn the channel to keep my sanity. Tonight gave new meaning to the word odd...the camera focused on his roll of toilet paper and how-to's involved in that topic. He discussed the appropriate way for TP to face and how best to dispense it. Wow. Wow. I was literally speechless for a couple of minutes. And then I typed this blog. Makes those days back when I used to fall asleep to QVC look just plain dull. I think I need to get some sleep. Gotta try to get back on a regular schedule and quit this night owl thing.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

I too need to quit the night owl thing. It's frightening what is on TV at night.

LOL at QVC! My mom was hooked on that show for years when I was a kid. It was always on as background noise and we were always getting boxes from QVC. I knew all the hosts by name and what time they'd be on;)