Friday, June 22, 2007

Just passing through...

So it's Friday night and I tend to fall asleep early for whatever reason on this particular day. I think it has to do with my night owl habit during the rest of the week, so by Friday my body is wiped out and in need of a regeneration cycle (a little Borg humor there). Anyhow, I figured I better post now even though I already technically blogged in the wee hours earlier this morning (sorry Shelley...;P). All of my other posts lately have been averaging out to be done at around midnight'ish.

I am very proud of myself this week. Not only did I apply to some very promising jobs, but I got some real work done around the house. I suppose I should thank the ants that decided to host a family reunion in our kitchen yesterday. I went to bed and everything was fine. I woke up to find ants in every nook and cranny of the kitchen. For anyone who knows me well, knows that I become VERY neurotic and go to town on the cleaning. It was actually a blessing in disguise, because not only are the ants gone, but my kitchen is practically sparkling and much of the clutter is gone. I spent about 3 hours in there and still have more I want to do...such as rearrange the cupboards, mop, and whitewash the appliances. I also have miscellaneous drawer that I've been meaning to organize. The house is slowly taking shape as I tackle each area one at a time.

Today, the kids and I didn't spend much time at home. Since hubby was at work, I took the kids over to a friend's house so that they could have a playdate while us moms chatted it up. The children got nice and dirty, but they had loads of fun. Then I took them to the doctors for a well child checkup and catch up on their booster shots. That wasn't so much fun.

Then on my way home, this lady starts tailing me and blinking her lights at me. I am going 60 in a 55 as it is, so I feel like I'm going plenty fast. Considering it was rush hour on a busy highway and I was passing dozens of cars, I couldn't understand what her problem was. I assumed she wanted to go 80 or something. Though I planned on getting out of her way, I was also a little irritated by her tailgating, so I slowed down just a little to piss her off. Yeah I know, passive-aggressive move on my part, but she was riding my arse and she needed to back off a little. So anyway, I never get the chance to get over because she opts to change lanes soon after and just as a truck with a long camper trailor was merging. She decides she can squeeze past us both and almost causes an accident. She gets back over and is front of me now going...60mph. I give her plenty of space so I can avoid the hypocrisy she so clearly likes. Anyway, it was just so odd that she went through all of that hassle just so she could get behind another vehicle going...60 mph. Whatever floats her boat I guess. The road is scarier than those public access programs.

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