Monday, August 06, 2007

In need of my rabbit's foot...

Okay, this week will be the one to make or break my future over the next year. I have been on a lot of interviews in the last few weeks (4 last week alone!) and most of them will be letting me know in the next couple of days the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have a follow-up interview tomorrow and a screening interview with a faraway district on Wednesday to boot. I hope and pray some good news is coming our way. I can't take much more of this job hunting and rejection stuff. It's always the lack of teaching experience that seems to hurt me. Today alone will yield a few yes or no's. So if anyone out there reading this wants to think some positive thoughts or even say a little prayer...I would be most grateful. As soon as I learn anything, I will be sure to share some news. In the meantime, enjoy your day! I'm off to take the kids to swimming lessons.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

I've been praying for awhile for you re: job stuff. It better come through dang it! And you better let me know as soon as you know or else...I don't know what "or else" is, but still...:)

Love you and I know something will come through.