Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Today was Nicky's first day of school. He was definitely one of the tallest kids in his class. He was so excited last night and even this morning. He has been very hyper and quite the little chatterbox. He couldn't wait to go to his new school and meet the kids. I think this past summer has been such a time of growth for him, and I don't just mean in inches. He's matured a lot and has learned to become a lot more independent. For instance, he's been able to buckle himself up in other people's cars for awhile now, but just got the hang of it in our car a couple of weeks ago. The seatbelts in our Aztek are a little tricky I guess. He talks more articulately and really looks out for his sister, unless he wants his space.

I was smart enough to bring a camera to capture the moment at school. I could tell he felt like a big kid finally. When it came time to say goodbye and leave him with his teacher, I felt a little heartsick. He was oblivious that I was going, but I suppose that's a good thing vs. having a meltdown. I think it's pretty hard on Kirsten, his little sister. Nicky is everything to her and she feels a bit lost when he's not around. When it dawned on her that she couldn't stay with him at his school, she got a little upset. She's having trouble understanding why she can't go to school too. I explained that her turn will come. This will be tough on her for awhile, but she'll be fine. I just can't believe my baby boy is now a little man. I'm grappling with those "letting go" issues that face all parents and I know it's only the beginning. To be honest, I was so grateful that I got to be there for his first day. After he was done, he had so much to share about his big day and can't wait to go back. Next big step will be riding the big yellow school bus.

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