Saturday, September 09, 2006

School daze

Okay, both my son and I survived our first week of school. He is becoming a big boy and I am slowly becoming a teacher. While he is doing great and seems to love kindergarten, it is the bus that I am concerned about the most. After seeing him off on the bus for the first time, he looked so terrified and small as it drove away. The bus driver assured me he'd be just fine and he understood my worries. I was such a wreck all day as he went to school. I ended up calling the office a couple hours later to make sure he'd gottent to school okay. Yes, I am a worrywart. Then later in the day I called my childcare lady and she reported that he'd made it home okay. She'd had her daughter meet him at the bus stop.

Well, I felt relieved until we got home and I asked him how he liked riding the bus. He said the kids picked on him and called him names. It had been my biggest fear come true since he was two years old. I've been so afraid of him getting teased someday and now it has become a reality. I had a long talk with him about what to do and while he seemed a little shaken up by the experience, he felt better when he had some idea of how to handle himself. I am gonna check with the bus driver next time and ask him to keep an eye out for it again. Oh this so sucks to feel so helpless in protecting him from the crap out there in the world. I know I can't shelter him forever, but it's hard to know when to step in or let him fight his own battles. Guess I'll have to wait and see how things go.

As for my first week as a student teacher in the fifth grade, I did alright. Not much to do but oberve and gather the data I need for my work sample. I spent some time getting to know the kids and learning the ropes. By Friday, I began gain some confidence and even jumped in to help out during a math lesson. It took awhile to comprehend the lesson as I am a dunce in math. This will definitely be an area I'll need to take a refresher course in at some point. It's wierd because I am pretty strong most other subjects (except science maybe), but math is just over my head. This morning, I feel much better now that I got a lot of work done on my work sample. I've typed 9 pages so far, but still have at least 65 more to go! Tomorrow I have a ton more to write, though I feel things are finally flowing better. I think this week I'll be jumping in more if they let me. Wish me luck...

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