Friday, October 13, 2006

Cut to the quick

Okay, I was taking a brain break from all of my grad school and student teaching stuff and started thinking about the fall tv season. There has been a bumper crop of dramas to choose from. I have my returning favorites such as CSI, Cold Case, Without a Trace, Ghost Whisperer, and such. However, I am a lot pickier when it comes to the new kids on the block. Since there were so many to choose from when they all premiered in September, I selected the ones with the interesting plot lines that jumped out at me.

First one I watched was Kidnapped. The first episode was intense and kept me in anticipation as to how they were going to stretch this story over an entire season. Well, by the time the second episode rolled around, I could only sit through part of it. It didn't pack the punch of the premiere and fell a little flat for me. It seems to be that the show would work better if it revolved around Jeremy Sisto, the independent contractor that retrieves the victims by any means necessary. That was a great plot point, but not taken advantage of. The show has gotten the axe already after only 4 episodes! Instead of focusing on a single kidnapping, they could've shown several...think Without a Trace meets The Equalizer. Guess we'll never know since it's gone now.

The second one to grab me was Jericho. I missed the first episode, but loved ones told me that it was pretty good. Can't beat a mushroom cloud to hook people, but could it reel them in? I caught the second one and so on. Well, the jury is still out for me on this one. I will keep watching as there is enough to keep me intrigued. My husband and I have already been formulating conspiracy theories about this one, which I will not share here as I don't want to risk being a spoiler. I do think that there are a few too many characters to keep track of and some side stories that bore me. Skeet Ulrich is fantastic as the former rogue turned hero. Nice to see a great vehicle for him to strut his stuff. We shall see what happens.

The third one is always the charm. Thankfully, I saw the premiere episode of Heroes and am extremely fascinated by this offbeat homage to X-Men. I think this show has just the right balance of feeding us tidbits to nibble on and keeping us in the dark about other stuff. I sense a bit of the Lost formula at work here. Eventually certain plot points will come together and we will have our aha! moments, but I just hope the show doesn't move too slow. I want to see this show make it.

Audiences and network head haunchos have short attention spans and little patience. Look at the much-hyped Smith. That show supposedly had great potential, but the low ratings caused CBS to pull the plug. I actually never saw that one, so I have no comment on its quality. I just know that a show that has any hope of sticking around better have some staying power and a plethora of possible future plotlines. There are other new shows that I've considered trying out, such as 6 Degrees. It may be awhile though as there are only so many hours in the primetime week to watch what you want.

Some nights I don't even bother with tv. I do get cranky with time slot shuffling. Grey's Anatomy is strangely addictive and I would love to get into it. The reruns got my husband into it and he's not a romantic drama kind of guy. Now he's given up CSI. I haven't gone that far yet, but I did miss a great CSI last night in favor of watching Grey's. Why do they have to be at the same time? Not fair. Suppose we'll just have to stay tuned.

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