Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Housework War

Well, I am back in school mode for sure now. It's amazing how quickly I can switch from being a domestic diva to the complete opposite. During the month of August I was off from work and I had all the time in the world to get home projects done. Now I have no time and too much to do. Needless to say, my home is suffering for the glory of scholastic success. I work half days as a student teacher, but it feels like a full time job when you factor in the academic side of things such as coursework, work sample, and action research. It's a bit crazymaking, but I know that this too shall pass and in the end I will be able to call myself a teacher.

I just wish the housework didn't have to pay the price, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time to fit everything into the day. Anyone who has ever washed load after load of laundry and let the clothes pile up, who has the energy or desire to start the folding? Besides a mountain of laundry, piled up paper is my other biggest nemesis. Unfortunately, I have a habit of opening mail and setting it down with the idea of "getting around to it later." As you can probably guess, later takes a long time to come, so the little pile becomes quite the stack.

I've taken to accomplishing one domestic task a day for the time-being. That way I know that at least something is getting done each day and I don't beat myself up about it. I will never earn the award for housekeeper of the year, but I try my best. I also believe in quality time with the family over dust bunnies anyday. Playing with my children or hanging out with my hubby is a lot more fun to me. And if you don't take care of yourself in the midst of the chaos we call life, we might as well just call it a day right now because your emotional and physical health will suffer. I just think that when you simply pick your cleaning battles, eventually you can win the housework war.

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