Monday, October 16, 2006


Okay, this will sound like I'm rationalizing but dang it I needed a boost. I've been working my little tail off and grab snippets of time to relax and do something I enjoy (like right now as I blog). Well, I had been very good the last couple of days with my diet and started losing again (after a weeklong plateau). So I stopped off at Juan Colorado's to get some chips, salsa, and handmade tortillas for dinner. We made burritos with them at home. My hubby's coworker had sent home some homemade brownies for us to enjoy so we did. For dessert we each had a brownie with vanilla ice cream. Now tell me that doesn't sound yummy.

Anyhow, I was really good with the rest of meals and actually hadn't eaten much, so I don't feel too bad. I always just make sure I'm extra good the next day with my food choices just to be safe. As they say, it's not necessarily what you eat but how much and how often you eat. As my diet guru Shelley reminds me, if you deny yourself all the time of what you want to eat, then you will only crave it more and overdo it. With Homer Simpson in mind, I must say..."Mmmmmm brownies."

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

MMMMM....Brownies. Yessss...I can see the attraction:) I love brownies. I haven't had a good gooey brownie with vanilla ice cream in a long time. On my next splurge day, I may go for that!