Monday, October 30, 2006

One smart cookie

Okay, it's official. Bill Cosby was right. Kids do say the darndest things. Today I was chatting with my son about fall. He told me very matter-of-factly about all of the things that leaves do. According to Nicky, "Leaves change colors, fall off of trees, and are in big piles on the ground for kids to play in." Then he started to tell me about pumpkins and how you can use them all through fall. Next, he wanted to know what holidays came after Halloween. We went through all of them and then again until he realized that they start over again. I explained that we began with the New Year and ended with Christmas. He says, "So when will the world be over?" I told him, "Hopefully never, the world just keeps going around and around." He responds, "Well I'm getting dizzy." Too cute.

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