Friday, February 09, 2007

Buckle up!

Okay, I'm getting tired of blogging about my student teaching escapades, so I will return to the old standby: conversations with my kids. I nickname these cute and clever tidbits "kidspeak." Don't ask me why, I just thought it sounded good. Anyhoo, so I am out running errands with my son and we have one of our notoriously nutty chats. I am trying to finish a phone call before driving to our next destination, but I keep getting interrupted. FYI, the "blah blah's" are just my ramblings on the phone and I can't remember specifics. Read on...

N: "Mommy, I'm buckled."
Me: "Blah, blah, blah..." (yakking on my cell)
N: "Mommy...mommy...I'm buckled.
N: "Mommy, did you hear me? I'm buckled."
Me: "Blah..."
N: "Mommy! Mommy! I'm buckled."
Me: "Okay honey....Blah, blah." (getting off the phone)
N: "Mommy, I said I'm buckled!"
Me: "I heard you! You're buckled. I got it." (I start the car)
N: "Mommy, I'm buckled. Mommy!"
Me: (whipping around) "Nicky! Nicky! Nicky! Nicky! I'm buckled! See?!"
Me: "I'm buckled Nicky! I'm buckled!"
N: "Stop that."
Me: "Do you like that when I say it over and over?"
N: "No."
Me: "Well, that's what you were doing to me while I was on the phone. Please don't do that. It's annoying."
N: "But Mommy, I'm buckled."

How can you argue with six-year old logic?

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