Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hoppy Birthday Shelley!

In honor of my best friend's birthday tomorrow, I thought I'd list ten things about her that I truly love. Shelley isn't just anybody, she has been somebody that has been there through it all with me. I've never known anyone in my life quite like her and she is truly my touchstone. I hope she knows how happy I for her successes and how proud I am of the person she has become. your mail Shelley! Your gift is gonna little bit belated. In the meantime, enjoy...

Ten Things I Adore About Shelley
  1. She is my kindred spirit.

  2. She loves chips and salsa!

  3. She'll watch the same movie over and over (i.e. Titanic!)
  4. She has a heart of gold.

  5. She goes out of her way to do for others, asking nothing in return.
  6. She would never hang a "frog free zone" sign in her home.

  7. She works hard for whatever she wants (i.e. law school, losing weight, finding Mr. Right)

  8. She loves 80s music.

  9. I can always count on her.
  10. After 13 some years of friendship, we still find things to yak about.
  11. Hoppy Birthday!!!

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

Aw thanks!! You've made my day. No frog-free zone here. In fact, it's "Frog Parking Only. All others will be Toad."