Sunday, February 11, 2007

Have you lost that lovin feelin?

It is that time of year again, the time when couples get to snuggle up for a romantic evening and remind themselves why they mean so much to each other. Or if you are like me, you come home slap a dinner together because you're too tired to think, hang out with the kids for awhile, give your honey a quick peck and it's off to do some more homework. The mind is beyond fried. That is how I envision this Valentine's day will likely go. We haven't been able to afford to go out for this holiday for the last few years. I am really hoping that with us both working at better jobs we will finally resume a semblence of normalcy. We take those little moments for granted until we lose them.

My son and I are gonna work on making some Valentines for his classmates later today, so that will be fun. I've been helping my CT prepare for our class party as well. I take over teaching pretty much everything this week, even though my full-time doesn't officially begin until next week. I foresee my brain exploding from stress by week's end. I can't remember if I have class on Wednesday night or not, so who knows it each day will unfold. I literally have to just take each day as it comes or I get too overwhelmed thinking about it all. I want to get away with my hubby for a weekend alone somewhere. Or even take the kids along and go somewhere new. I'm ready for school to be done and get back my life back.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

I know exactly how you feel! I felt the same way my last grad school semester. I just wanted to be done. I couldn't take another friggin exam, paper, or whatever. I was a real biotch that last term too from the stress.

Hang in there and you know my shoulders are always free should you need to cry on one or both of them!