Monday, February 26, 2007

I'm a babbling brook...

With the exception of attending the job fair on Saturday morning, that was the last teaching-related thing I did. It felt nice to get my life back to normal a couple days. Fridays are our family night out for dinner (or takeout) or a date night if we are ever lucky enough to get away. I swore off doing any homework on Saturdays a long time ago as a way of keeping my priorities straight. We ususally devote this day to hanging out with friends. Our friends have kids too so they all get a weekly play date. Everybody's happy. Sunday is usually homework day. I have had so much to do that it takes me hours to get it all done and it is an ongoing process.

Well, after tossing and turning all night on Saturday because I dreamed about editing my first graders' stories. I would wake up and each time I tried to shake the dream, it popped back into my head. Didn't get a lot of sleep and it didn't help that my body clock woke me way earlier than I wanted. We decided to take advantage of our early morning and had breakfast Krispy Kreme for a treat. Yes I know, it's so bad for you and tastes so good. We hadn't been there for over a year, so it was fun for the kids as they watched them make the doughnuts. Then we went househunting just for kicks. Couldn't afford anything we looked at, but it was still nice to dream.

By the time we got home we were all fairly tired. I set out to start some homework only to get sidetracked doing something else. I was so tired, but couldn't sleep so I just veged all night in front of the TV. Couldn't consider the night a waste though because I got some laundry done, made enchiladas for the fam, and then watched The Academy Awards. Pretty good telecast, but that is a whole other blog. I was unhappy that Eddie didn't get his Oscar, but at least I got to bed at a halfway decent hour and had didn't dream about editing again.

Even though I got about 6 1/2 hours of sleep, it was not nearly enough. Today was the 100th day of school, so we had a big celebration. It was nice not to have to focus on teaching core stuff and just have a good time with the kids, however I got a killer sinus headache by early afternoon. Thought I could go home right after school only to find out I had to go to a staff meeting. When that was done, I also realized I needed to go to run a couple of errands. I'm going to completely digress for a moment...

Keep in mind that my monster headache is on overload as all of this is going on. I walk into Target to exchange the Swiffer wet pads that I had bought. Hubby informed me that I had the wrong kind and needed the dry pads. So I go to guest services only to be told that I had exceeded my two-a-year exchange allotment. Apparently, you only get two a year without a receipt. I used mine up right after Christmas when I returned a couple stuff for the kids. Well, I told them that I didn't need a refund, just a didn't type of Swiffer pad and was willing to pay any difference. No sweat off their backs, right? Well, no.

The clerk and manager that I spoke to told me that their computer just wouldn't allow it. Okay, now I have absolutely nothing against Target. However, I do have a problem with the fact that these women advised me to get my husband to use his ID to return it on my behalf to bypass their system...and yet they couldn't simply swap the boxes on the shelf to bypass their system. I'm just frustrated that I just wanted to get the right kind of Swiffer pads. I didn't think to keep the receipt for something like that as I had no idea that I would be returning them. So a word of caution, save your receipts if you ever want to bring something back. Stores are getting way harsh in their policies. Yes, I digress...:)

So I went on home with wonderful headache, Swiffer wet pads, some library stuff, and a chance to relax. After getting the kids situated, I crashed on the couch. After a quick dinner of leftovers, I slipped into a nice hot bath with some Aromatherapy bath salts. Just like milk, that totally does a body good. Aaaah, now I feel better. Even with no Calgon to take me away, th Advil finally did.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

What is with Target?? That's totally insane. I don't get why they couldn't just swap them out.

Krispy Kreme...YUMMMM!! That's some good stuff right there.

Glad you got a nice hot bath and some Advil. Next time you see your doctor, ask for some prescription Naproxen. That stuff knocks out any pain every time! I originally got it when I hurt my leg, but I kept it for bad headaches and such. Works like a charm.

Hope you can get some rest soon!