Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sniff Sniff

Colds are just not all they're cracked up to be. That's what I have and it's in full force. In the tradition of TMI, I can't count how many tissues I've gone through today. I swear, I have sniffed to that point where you can't sniff anymore, but when you try to blow your nose nothing comes out. What's really frustrating is when you feel one side beginning to run, but you can't do much more than wipe it away because you've practically popped a blood vessel from blowing your nose so hard. And to no avail, the cold continues to win the battle. And by the way, I do realize this is just more detail than anyone needs to know, but it's your choice to keep reading...:)

You know that feeling where you're head is so full of stuff that you can't hear too well? That's not a good thing for me because it renders me borderline deaf. I am currently teaching first graders how to read, so it's important for me to hear the letter sounds that they make. Well, I can no longer hear the "th" sound, among others. As I attempted to get through the morning, my misery was quickly becoming apparent. I have to be pretty much on my deathbed to miss a day of student teaching, so I had no choice but to report to work. Well, with mind was very foggy and so thinking clearly was out of the question. I felt like a zombie for much of the day.
It wasn't the most romantic Valentine's day on record as a result. My husband wanted us to go out with the kids, but I felt too yucky. I just was in no mood to be out and about after surviving the school day and having to do it all over again tomorrow. So he nuked us a quick meal and that was that. We agreed to make it up on Friday night and will go out for dinner. Kids will join us because childcare is a bit spendy for us at the moment. Anyway, it will be a nice treat for us all at the end of a busy week. This will be a three day weekend of...drumroll please...homework. Shocking, eh? The good news is that I will be wrapping up my work sample, prepping my resume for the upcoming job fair, and grading some papers. And I chose this life, right?

I will be hitting the hay here shortly. Just got done watching American Idol, which I would either have to be in class or pretty much on my deathbed to miss. Tonight they announced the final 24 contestants and I've missed it last season due to grad school and so I was determined to see it this year. To be honest though, I am not so confident with all of their decisions. They let some really talented people go in favor of some only so-so performers. However, they did get a handful of them right and I can't wait to see them shine. That's what I love about this show. It may be exploitive of the drama that swirls the audition process, but it has launched a lot of careers. It will be an interesting season to say the least. I am off to bed now. My CT is gone for a week and a half for personal reasons, so I am totally in charge without him peeking over my shoulder. It will be a great test for me. There will be a sub present for legal purposes, but it's on me to teach.

Simon, Randy, and Paula...I'm ready for my solo. Just keep in mind I have a cold.

1 comment:

Lawfrog said...

A few tips for the cold ridden:

1. Get Puffs Plus with Lotion tissues. Otherwise, you'll end up scraping the skin off the underside of your nose from all the blowing. I've done this twice now...learn from my example.

2. Zycam is a lifesaver. It's expensive, but it does work.

3. Get some extra vitamins...drink Orange Juice and some Airborne or it's generic equivalent.

4. Rest, rest, rest.

5. Call your best friend and bitch and complain. I like this one the best myself. Always makes me feel better:)